
Your first assignment is to write a coherent, grammatically correct analysis of one of the short stories listed below. Essay must contain a thesis that offers your interpretation of the short story’s theme

ENGL 1302
Essay One: Short Story Analysis
Assignment: Your first assignment is to write a coherent, grammatically correct
analysis of one of the short stories listed below. Essay must contain a thesis that offers
your interpretation of the short story’s theme and how the author’s use of literary devices helps develop that theme.
• The essay’s main focus is the short story’s theme and how the author’s use of
literary devices helps to enhance the theme.
• Essay must discuss an element or elements of the short story, such as use of
symbolism, as evidence to support your interpretation of the theme. Essay
should discuss elements through the use of direct quotations from the story itself
and your own analysis/explanation. Possible elements to discuss include, but
are not limited to:
• Symbolism, Tone, Irony, Voice, Point of view, Character, Setting, Diction,
• Do not provide a mere plot summary in your essay. Assume your reader has
also read the short story; he or she does not need to re-read the story in condensed form. Plot summary is not a sufficient form of evidence for your argument (interpretation of theme).
What’s the point of an analysis? Analysis comes from Greek, meaning “breaking
up.” An analysis essay breaks up a story into its parts and studies one part or a few
parts closely in order to better understand the whole.
• Essay must be 750-800 words.
• Essay must be in proper MLA format and use MLA documentation (including
in- text citations and Works Cited page). See Writer’s Reference or similar
guide for instructions.
• Do not use any outside (secondary) sources. Your only source should be the
short story you are analyzing. Do not use sources such as SparkNotes or
Shmoop.com. If you use an online source, your grade will be penalized,
whether or not you cite it correctly.
ENGL 1302
Short Story Choices
You may choose from any of the assigned short stories on our syllabus or any of
the short stories found in our textbook.
Submission Requirements
• Before class begins on the due date, submit your essay online to Turnitin.com.
• Bring a printed copy of your paper with Works Cited to class. Essays, all
rough drafts of the essay, and all peer review sheets from class will be collected at the beginning of class.
• Note: If your essay is not submitted both to turnitin and in class, it is not
submitted at all, and therefore must receive a grade of “0” until it is submitted
both ways, at which time late points will be deducted (10 points per day).
Further Help
• Visit the Writing Center (A118) with two copies of your essay draft for professional help. Make sure to bring this assignment sheet with you.
• Feel free to come to my office hours (listed on the syllabus) for writing help.

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