
Written Assessment

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  1. Due DateTuesday, April 3, 201811:59 PMPoints Possible20
  2. Please form a group of 2 or 3 to evaluate the tests and methods you would use to determine a diagnosis for each case listed.  Your group responses should be combined into a logical work that can be turned in for each scenario using APA format.  If unable to form a group you may complete the assignment individually.

    • Kim is a 44 year-old divorced mother of two children. She has had a successful, career for the past ten years but finds herself constantly worrying about being laid off and losing her home. This worry has been troubling her for the past 10 months. Despite talking to friends and co-workers, she can’t get rid of the negative thoughts. Kim is tired and restless because of these thoughts and has a difficult time focusing on her job. She loses her train of thought often and finds it difficult to sleep at night. When she is able to sleep she has recurring dreams of being homeless and unable to care for her children.
    • Adam is a 30 year-old male who witness the death of his wife 4 months ago. His wife was walking across a parking lot when a teenage driver ran a stop sign, striking his wife. He has frequent flashbacks of her dying in his arms. Since that time Adam has nightmares about the accident. He refuses to shop at the store where his wife died and avoids the street if at all possible. Adam’s friends miss the outgoing, fun person he used to be and are concerned about him withdrawing from life.

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