
Why Reorganization plans are essential in many ways

Reorganization plans are essential in many ways. Essentially, they help a business organization restructure by overhauling its present strategy, operations, and general setup (Denning, 2017). Businesses use this strategy when they are undergoing financial problems, when they have recruited new staff, or when it is under the operation of new owners. The Citibank organization has experienced several challenges, and if need be to reorganize it, this paper highlights the best strategies that can help in the whole process.

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The first process is by starting the change process in the organization where the indicators for reality are. This measure underscores that what to be changed must be known since it is not everything that warrants a change. Once identified, the priorities have to be highlighted, and the change has to take the course immediately to avoid further inconveniences (McKinsey & Company, 2014). The second measure that has been highlighted is that the organization should change what seems possible and can be changed. The changes that are likely to produce more benefits should begin, then those which are less severe and dear would take the course later on. The risky places must be changed first. Then the rest would follow up upon planning the strategies well. In this guide of making reorganizational change, it would be better for the Citibank organization to understand the changes that it should undertake. Some differences should be planned while others can be done impromptu. This change should be initiated carefully and prepared on how it shall enhance success.

Moreover, the organization should not confuse the stability-focused change aimed at restoring equilibrium with the difference designed to place the organization on a different course of operation (Ready & Mulally, 2017). It is imperative for the organization to know its change leadership team, just like the team should be sober and sound in its eyes to change. Change has to be led in all the organizational levels, be it the operational, managerial, or strategic changes. The change should be done in an integrated, coherent, and consistent manner. In this aspect, downsizing should enhance the shift to cascade down through the business organization. A strategic organizational change should be created at the executive level to guide operations at lower levels (Schramm, 2017). The Citigroup organization should not skimp when staffing the leadership team that would instill positive change. The management must be sensitive on picking the best team that would propel the organization’s business to its furtherance and impact a change that would yield positive implications for the company. There should be careful management of the modus operandi, from the incumbent to the new. In finality, the transition should be carefully managed with due compassion and respect, considering the insecurities that significant changes might bring to the members of the newly transitioned team. Citibank should not rush into making decisions, therefore.

Downsizing can be done when the organization has put all its measures in place, the organization’s activities are running swiftly, so there is no need for further employees (Smits & Bowden, 2015). On the other hand, rightsizing is a strategy applied in the organization to help it become reorganized. It can be done in consideration of the organization’s activities, form, and progress. For example, when the number of employees may be increased when need be.


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