
What characteristics did this study possess that were qualitative in nature?

Please answer the questions after reading the article.
Retrieve the following full text article from the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature or a similar research database: Thomas L. (2009). Effective dyspnea management strategies identified by elders with end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Applied Nursing Research 22(2) 79-85. Review the article focusing on the design of the study. Consider the following appraisal questions in your critical review of this article.
1. What is the authors rationale for using a mixed method for the study of this subject?
2. Discuss the link between the purpose of the study and the design?
3. Classify this study with respect to a) the intent of the researcher b) the type of study and c) the time dimension of the study.
4. What characteristics did this study possess that were quantitative in nature?
5. What characteristics did this study possess that were qualitative in nature?
6. Describe the reasons you think a mixed method approach was the most appropriate for this population and research goals.Do you want your assignment written by the best essay experts? Then look no further. Our team of experienced writers are on standby to deliver to you a quality written paper as per your specified instructions

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