
Using Foam Toe Fillers in Patients with Amputated Hallux

Benefits of Using Foam Toe Fillers in Patients with Amputated Hallux

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Amputation of body parts is done due to indications such as arteriosclerosis, cancer and infection. When amputation of the toe is done, the patient’s gait is usually normal although with slow movement abilities. Leprosy is one of the serious conditions whereby amputation of the toes can be carried out (Funk & Young, 2001). For example, leprosy has a common complication known as neuropathic ulceration. This condition is characterized by impairment of autonomic nerves, motor and sensory functions. The plantar are infected with bone absorption and osteomyelitis which lead to deformation of the foot thus making it more prone to the condition. With leprosy condition, ulcerations and deformations are very debilitating and chronic, and do not respond to different treatment interventions (Coughlin & Mann, 2009). This fact makes surgical methods mandatory for rehabilitative and preventive measures.

Justifying the use Foam Toe Fillers upon Amputation of Hallux in Patients with Leprosy

Toes and fingers can easily be lost due to leprosy. When serious infections occur due to the disease, amputation is usually recommendable. This is done to prevent permanent loss or curling of toes or fingers. The removal of any body part can never be pleasant to any person since amputation results in dependency and the reason the process is fearful. However, due to some conditions like leprosy, amputations are life-saving and can successfully help to manage the disease (Bhattacharya, 2004). It can make a person successful from a life of depression and dependence. In order to achieve this, the amputation process needs to be properly performed and managed. The major indications for the process in leprosy are usually few and are restricted to the lower body parts such as the limps (Pandey, 2011). The major indications leading to amputation of the hallux include joint or bone disintegration and plantar ulcers.

Once the hallux is amputated due to one of the discussed factors, there is the need to make sure the process is augmented by use of different methods to support life and reduce dependency. This has called for a wide range of approaches to manage a foot that has been partially amputated. The commonly used orthotic or prosthetic interventions include use of clamshell sockets, toe fillers and insoles. These intervention materials are used depending on the toe amputated, and the condition leading to the process (Funk & Young, 2001). For the intervention process to be effective, currently there is the use of compliant foam fillers which create effective prosthetic fore-foots. The fact of the matter is that any form of amputation offers a chance and insight for use of devices. The devices can therefore only be obtained by using foam materials to produce them.

A patient with leprosy and whose hallux has been amputated is left with two choices: either use foam toe fillers or leave the condition without treatment. According to studies and researches, it has been found that the use of foam toe fillers usually present many benefits to the patient thus making life comfortable. As a common generalization, a person whose hallux is amputated due to leprosy and related complications will need an intervention depending on the extent to which the toe has been lost. Persons who have amputated toes will most likely have to use toe fillers or insoles (Dillon, 2010). The devices are made of materials known as foams which have varying levels of compliance in order to fill the shoes. These toe fillers are usually customized for different users and are fabricated using foams so that they can successfully fill the void resulting from the amputated toes.

The filler toes are used to prevent the upper part of the shoe from collapsing and occupying the void caused by the amputated hallux. It is notable that, when these toe fillers have been used, the patient will successfully wear shoes and live a normal life as if the toe had not been amputated. Therefore, these fillers should be best ordered once hallux amputation has been done. When amputation of the hallux is done due to leprosy, the use of foam toe fillers is the best way to ensure the patient is relieved from the void left after the amputation (Pandey, 2011). This will make it possible for him to walk and thereby more steps can be walked comfortably per day. As well, the patient will be able to travel longer distances and carry out different duties in life. The used foam materials easily promote movement because they are soft and are comfortable when used by the patient (Parvizi, 2010). As well, it is proven through studies that hallux toe filler can successfully prevent toe drift which inhibits movement. This also decreases the transfer of pressure on the leg during walking.

Indications by scientists show that the use of these devices also contribute a lot to the amount of work required by a person to walk whose hallux is amputated (Dillon, 2010). As well, these toe fillers use foams which help to create a prosthetic forefoot. Even if these devices will incorporate the use of a socket, the overall surface area through which the interface pressures caused by the foams are relatively minima. This makes the use of toe filler a convenient approach to replace the void left after the hallux has been amputated (Schoen, 2008). Generally, the use of these device needs should consider how effective the external moments can be managed. From the above discussions, we should agree that there are very many benefits realized from the use of foam toe fillers with an amputated hallux compared to when is done at all.

For a person affected by leprosy, amputation becomes a key surgical process to help the individual otherwise the disease will develop and cause more complications. In that case, something should be done after the surgical process is successfully done. That being the case, the use of devices, also known as prosthetic intervention, is necessary for any form of partial amputation (Bhattacharya, 2004). This is specifically done to restore the effective length of the foot and as well normalize function and gait. If the amputated hallux is left without something being done, several complications will occur and the individual will be uncomfortable due to the void left. As well, the person will have difficulties in movement and cannot travel any long distances.


From the discussions presented above in the paper, it is agreeable that the benefits resulting from the use of foam toe fillers in patients whose hallux has been amputated are many. This method is also possible and effective for other toes once they have been amputated. For a person who had leprosy, the process will make him more effective and even more comfortable when the void left after the surgical process is filled with foam toe filler (Schoen, 2008). Once there is limp loss through amputation, the use of orthotic or prosthetic interventions is very appropriate and eventually makes the life of the person more comfortable and thus making it possible to achieve his goals in life.












Bhattacharya, P. (2004). ‘Surviving Amputation.’ Available at <http://www.boloji.com/health/articles/01027.htm>

Coughlin, M. & Mann, R. (2009). Surgery of the foot and ankle. New York: Longman.

Dillon, M. (2010). ‘Partial foot amputation: Evidence for device use.’ Retrieved 23rd Feb, 2011 <http://www.lowerextremityreview.com/article/partial-foot-amputation-evidence-for-device-use>

Funk, C. & Young, G. (2001). Subtotal Pedal Amputations: Biochemical and Intra-operative Consideration.  Journal of American Pidiat  Med Assoc 91(1): 6-12, available at <http://www.drbrianrichman.com/articles/html/spa.html>

Kominsky, S. (2009). Advances in podiatric medicine and surgery. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Pandey, H. (2011). ‘Some Myth and Facts About Leprosy.’ Available at <http://www.bukisa.com/articles/464878_some-myth-and-facts-about-leprosy>

Parvizi, J. (2010). High Yield Orthopedics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schoen, D. (2008). Adult orthopedic nursing. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.



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