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· Tenenbaum, G., & Eklund, R. C. (2007). Handbook of sport psychology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
· Aging and Preventive Health. (2014).Retrieved March 5, 2014, from
· Fox, K. (1999). The influence of physical activity on mental well-being. Public Health Nutrition, 2(3a), 411-418.
· An Estimated 1 in 10 U.S. Adults Report Depression. (2011). Centers For Disease
Control and Prevention. Retrieved March 2, 2014, from
· Cotman, C; N Berchtold; & L Christie. (2007). “Exercise Builds Brain Health: Key
Roles Of Growth Factor Cascades And Inflammation.” Trends in Neurosciences30.9 (2007): 464-472. Print.
· Marcus, B. H., Daniels, S. R., Buchner, D., Franklin, B. A., Yancey, A. K., King, A.
C., et al. (2006). Physical Activity Intervention Studies: What We Know And What We Need To Know: A Scientific Statement From The American Heart Association Council On Nutrition, Physical Activity, And Metabolism (Subcommittee On Physical Activity); Council On Cardiovascula. Circulation, 114(24), 2739-2752.
· The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. (n.d.). Review Article: Exercise, Aging, and Muscle Protein Metabolism.
· Physical Activity and Health. (2011). Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Retrieved February 13, 2014, from
· Mascarelli, A. (2011). Exercise counteracts aging effects. Los Angeles Times.
Retrieved February 14, 2014,
· The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. (n.d.). Benefits of Physical Exercise on the
Aging Brain: The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from
Step 1: Write an annotated bibliography. Each of the 10 citations in your reference list should be followed by a brief (about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph explaining how this source will help to develop your paper. For more information on creating an annotated bibliography, visit: .
Also see the UMUC guide Annotated Bibliography -APA style
Submit your annotated bibliography of 10 references to the Assignments tab by the end of Week 3.
Step 2: Formulate a thesis statement and an outline for your paper. For information on creating a thesis statement, see Effective Writing Center pages with links to writing an essay.
Create a paper outline using the following format:
Research Paper Title
I. Introduction: Grab attention, relate importance to health and aging, and present a focused thesis statement. For more information, see: Prewriting and Outline
II. Body: Main points and articles your will use to support your point.
A. Main point 1 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
B. Main point 2 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
C. Main point 3 (reference 1: author’s name, year; reference 2: author’s name, year;…)
D. Etc.
III. Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with a brief summary of your main points. For more information, see:
Writing the conclusion
Submit your thesis statement and outline to the Assignments Folder by the end of Week 4.
Step 3: Write a 6-8 page final draft of your paper, including the following:
Title page: Provide the title of the paper, your name, and the course and section
Introduction: Grab attention, relate importance to health and aging, and present a focused thesis statement
Body: Identify and develop each main point in an organized, clear manner, using in-text citations. Discuss possible solutions to the issue.
Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with a brief summary of your main points.
Reference list: Incorporate revisions from Step 1
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