
Term Project: Gap Analysis Assignment

Term Project: Gap Analysis Assignment Instructions

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For this Term Project: Gap Analysis Assignment milestone, you will continue your individual project by incorporating the feedback you received from the Term Project: Proposal Assignment deliverable and appending the following requirements to form a Term Project: Gap Analysis Assignment deliverable as described below.

Begin with the Term Project: Proposal Assignment document you submitted for your topic proposal and revise that document based on the feedback provided to you by your instructor. Add to your revised document the following information:

1. In a new section entitled “Gap Analysis,” write a 4–5 page description and defense of your proposed TO-BE process.

2. Your proposed TO-BE process must apply enterprise systems concepts so that it clearly evidences the use of shared data to create an integrated process across functional boundaries.

3. Substantiate the design of the TO-BE process with at least 5 scholarly sources in addition to your textbook(s).

4. Provide a UML Activity Model representing your TO-BE process in an appendix.

Note I will update old UML from Proposal assignment

Package the information above into a single Microsoft Word document. Note that you will need to copy and paste your diagram into Word. Your Term Project: Gap Analysis Assignment document must be formatted with proper, current APA formatting and use proper citations for the references used. Be sure that your Term Project: Gap Analysis Assignment deliverable also includes a references page. Note that page count does not include content written for the previous deliverable, title page, reference page, or diagrams.

Be sure to view the Term Project: Gap Analysis Resources section under the Term Project: Gap Analysis Assignment page.

Be sure to review the Term Project: Gap Analysis Grading Rubric before beginning this Term Project: Gap Analysis Assignment.

Instructor’s Feedback:

Don’t capitalize this word – Telework

Avoid first-person language and contractions – Ive

this should be “has” – have

Limit paragraphs to no more than seven sentences.

Paragraphs require a minimum of three sentences.

See comments above regarding paragraph length.

Every task requires a predecessor and successor.

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