
Social Science essay

Discussion Forum #4
DF #4 Overview
The rationale behind DFs is to generate discussion among your classmates that would typically occur during group activities or class discussions held on-campus in honors classes. Thus, students are expected to submit four of the five main posts and reply to at least two peer posts for the four weeks they choose to participate. Main posts should be about 250+ words while peer responses are required to have a minimum of five complete sentences. At the bottom of every DF post (i.e., main posts and peer responses), state your word count.
1. Chapter 6
2. Chapter 7
3. Chapter 8
1. Chapter 6 Lecture Notes.pdf

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2. Chapter 7 Lecture Notes.pdf

3. Chapter 8 Lecture Notes.pdf

1. Select ONE DF option and post your response below.
o Your main DF Post should be at least 3 paragraphs in length (250-words minimum).
o Students may exceed the minimum word count; however, aim to write succinctly.
o Answer your chosen prompt thoroughly, using the assigned readings to substantiate your arguments.
o Be sure to indicate which option you chose by writing the option number and option title.
o Your two Peer Response Posts should be at least five sentences—for each Peer Response.
o Include a word count at the end of your main post and for your two Peer Response posts.
o Note: There are several steps to complete your chosen DF option for this DF; therefore, please make sure to review your main post before you submit it.
Option #1: Child Poverty
Overview: This prompt option explores child poverty rates and other social problems affecting this vulnerable population.
Task #1: View the following PBS Frontline documentary by Jezza Neumann (2020) titled, Growing Up Poor in America (53 minutes and 17 seconds; closed captioned).
[ Tip: Turn on closed captioning if you need them ]
Task #2: Address the following prompt in its entirety:
1. Discuss and debate child poverty rates.
2. Provide a brief summary of the documentary by describing the lived experiences of Shawn, Kyah, Laikyeh.
3. What challenges does each child from the documentary face?
4. Along with child poverty, what other social problems were highlighted in the documentary?
5. Define and apply two course concepts from chapter 6 and be sure to integrate evidence from the required prompt video to substantiate your argument.
Option #2: Exploring A Social Disorganization Theory of Your Choice
Overview: Conduct original research and explore a neighborhood in which you felt it was not safe.
Task #1 Instructions:
1. Reflect on neighborhoods you have been to (or driven through) where you had a sense that the neighborhood was not a safe area. What characteristics did the area possess that made them feel it was n o t safe?
2. You may find images online of the neighborhood under sociological investigation or you take your own images (Note: If you choose the latter option, please be safe and mindful of the ongoing pandemic).
3. Apply at least two course concepts and one social structure theory of your choice from chapter 6 to substantiate your argument and observations .
Canvas Instructions: How do I embed an image in a discussion reply as a student? (Links to an external site.)
Option #3: Institutional Anomie Theory
Overview: This prompt option allows students to explore Institutional Anomie Theory and the ways in which the American Dream may encourage crime.
Task #1 Instructions:
1. Define and describe Institutional Anomie Theory.
2. Do agree or disagree with the Institutional Anomie Theory ?
3. Do you think there is any merit to the idea that the concept of the “ American Dream ” as we know it, and as it plays out in our society? Do you believe it may encourage crime?
4. Locate one current news article that highlights Institutional Anomie Theory in action.
5. Apply evidence from chapter 6 and your external source to substantiate your work.
Option #4: Research a Local City Program that Addresses Gangs
Overview: This prompt option allows students to research a local city program of their choice that attempts to address a gang problem in their community.
Task #1 Instructions:
1. Find a city program (local if possible) that attempts to address a gang problem and describe the city program.
2. What is the city program about?
3. What does it aim to do?
4. Evaluate the goals and techniques used to implement the program.
5. Apply evidence from chapter 6 and your external source to substantiate your work.
Option #5: “They had it coming!” Identifying Neutralization Theory
Overview: This option allows students to unpack Neutralization Theory and its techniques of neutralization.
Task #1 Instructions:
1. Come up with typical and realistic scenarios that illustrate the techniques of neutralization described in Neutralization Theory . Make sure to incorporate each type of neutralization to your scenarios.
2. Apply evidence from chapter 7 to substantiate your work.
Option #6: Understanding Social Control Theory
Overview: This option allows students to identify the four social bonds that comprise Social Control Theory.
Task #1 Instructions:
1. Explain the concept behind Social Control Theory.
2. Be sure to include the four social bonds in your main post by reflecting on how Social Control Theory applies to the life of one of your friends or acquaintances from childhood. Make sure to use a pseudonym.
3. Apply evidence from chapter 7 to substantiate your work.
Option #7: Labels Sting: Primary and Secondary Deviance
Overview: There are several tasks to complete for this prompt option; therefore, please make sure to review your main post before you submit.
The Symbolic-Interactionist perspective affords us to unpack the ways in which society socially constructs reality. It should be noted, moreover, that what is defined as deviant or a crime, and who is defined as a deviant or criminal, stems from the mutable process of social definition by society and groups (Siegel 2011).
Task #1: Read the required article titled, the Saints vs. Roughnecks by William J. Chambliss (1973) [
Download the case study.]

Further, Edwin Lemert (1951) explored how individuals can be changed by the labels that people apply to their behavior.
Task #2 Instructions: Please fully answer the following questions:
1. In your own words, discuss how labeling affected the two set of gangs; that is, the Saints and the Roughnecks.
2. According the Chambliss’ (1973) case study, which types of crimes did both gangs commit? Explain these types of crimes.
3. How does the two groups’ behaviors, community biases and perceptions of the groups, and group visibility affect the labeling process?
4. In your own words, define and apply Edwin Lemert’s (1951) primary deviance and secondary deviance to the two sets of gangs described in Chambliss’ (1973) case study.
5. Were both gangs treated the same, or were they treated differently? Explain.
Option #8: Addressing Homelessness in Orange County
Overview: This prompt option asks that you apply course content ( i.e., conflict and critical criminology) to a current event. The required prompt article below discusses the recent controversy in Orange County over the misplacement of county funds to help alleviate homelessness, issues with homeless dumping, and protests over building new homeless shelters.
To provide some background, Orange County is one of the highest income earning counties in the U.S. (#79 out of 3,144 counties and O.C. households holding a median income of $74,000) and also has one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country (e.g., median house valued in O.C. at over $700,000). Still, not all cities in Orange County are equally affluent and wealthy. Santa Ana is a city with one of the lowest median incomes in Orange County yet is often relied on by other cities to address homelessness in the county. Recently, Santa Ana city officials have been outspoken about other cities in Orange County relying on Santa Ana to assist people part of the homeless population.
Read the news story, which discusses how Santa Ana city officials responded to the recent behaviors of high-income cities in relation to the homeless issue. The residents of these higher income cities have successfully protested against homeless shelters in their cities and Santa Ana officials did not take kindly to this. At the same time, Santa Ana feels that their city is being left on their own to address the needs of the county’s homeless population. Santa Ana officials argue that, in reality, this is every city’s problem, not just their own. What do you think? After reading the article answer the prompt and let the class know what your thoughts about the issue are, and also share any constructive ideas for the city officials and residents.
Tip: To get an even better idea of some of the tensions between county residents, make sure to read the comments in the news article as well.
Task #1, Read the required prompt article: Santa Ana Alleges Class-Based Discrimination by Cities that Reject Homeless Shelters by Nick Gerda (2018) (Links to an external site.).
Task #2 Instructions: For your main post, answer the following prompt questions using at least two course concepts from chapter 8 to provide evidence of your understanding.
1. How might critical criminologists understand and explain the issue of wealthier cities rejecting homeless shelters (sometimes in unethical ways) while poorer cities are left to deal with the issue? Become a critical criminologist and explain what they would say about what is going on.
2. Do you think it is fair that wealthier people can avoid dealing with people who are homeless by making sure they never move into their cities? Is it irresponsible and inconsiderate of the county’s broader issues? Or do you think it is fair because they can afford it and have the ability to flex their economic and political power to prevent people who are transient and unhoused from entering their cities?
Option #9: Critical Criminology in the News
Overview: This option allows students to apply critical criminology to a current event of their choice.
Task #1 Instructions:
1. Locate a news story that relate s to critical criminology in some way and write a main post in which you apply at least two concepts and one theory from chapter 8 to the news article under investigation .
Option #10: Unpacking Active Prison Nurseries in the U.S.
Overview: This option allows students to research what prison nurseries are and how they function in the U.S.
Task #1 required video: View the following NBC News (2018) video titled, “Raised in Prison: How Incarcerated Mothers Parent their Babies Behind Bars” (CC; 6:08 minutes).
[Note: Turn on captioning if you need them]
Task #2 required reading: Growing Up Behind Bars: How 11 States Handle Prison Nurseries by John Caniglia (2019, 2018).
Task #3: Address the following prompt questions after conducting light research on prison nursery programs:
1. What is a prison nursery program?
2. Considering what we covered in chapters six and seven, to which degree are prison nursery programs beneficial for a child’s psycho-social development? Apply two course concepts and one social process theory from chapter 7 to substantiate your argument.
3. What are some potential limitations or concerns of prison nursery programs?
4. What are the alternatives to prison nursery programs?
5. Do prison nursery programs help reduce mother recidivism? Explain.
6. Apply and define critical feminist theory to help explain the social phenomenon of prison nursery programs.
1. Be sure to type-up your all your work on a separate Word document or Google Docs document and save your work periodically. Doing so will save you from losing your work due to technological failures or accidents.
2. “A” students always substantiate their arguments using the course readings, lecture notes, chosen prompt materials, and the like by proper citing using either ASA, APA, MLA, Chicago Style, MLA, etcetera.
3. Make sure to use proper grammar and punctuation in this honors-level course in all correspondence. Please avoid “text” or “Internet lingo” when corresponding.
4. Students have the option to skip one week of the DFs of their choice.
5. If you plan on completing this week’s DF, then you must also write two Peer Responses.
6. If you plan on skipping it, then simply reply “skip” in this DF thread.

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