
SEU Defense Mechanisms Psychological Strategies & Techniques for Protection Essay – Assignment Help

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I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

One of Freud’s legacies was his identification of defense mechanisms. This is a construct that we can all relate to because we have all used at least a few of these defense mechanisms at one time or another in our lives. After reading Chapter 2 in your text, write the following two-part paper:

Part 1:

  • Define defense mechanisms in your own words.
  • Why do we use them? What benefits do we get from employing defense mechanisms?
  • What is the negative side of using defense mechanisms?

Part 2:

  • Choose five defense mechanisms that you have personally used or have seen another person use, and cover the following points for each:
    • Describe the defense mechanism.
    • What benefit comes from employing the specific defense mechanism?
    • Give a specific example of a time that you have either used it or seen another person use it.
    • What was the outcome of using this defense mechanism in your example?

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