
Sample Essay on Training & development

Training & development


Organizations that desire to steer their development and mission in the proper direction need to have a staff that is exposed to constant training and evaluation in order for them to progress on a routine basis. Most progressive institutions organize for training opportunities at the workplace in which case the management team of the firm will often conduct the training through their leaders or outsource these services from well-established consultancies. Ideally a good training is dependent on the possession of certain attributes and qualities that every leader must have. This project reports the results from a survey that was carried out in diverse workplaces across the US with regards to the leadership attributes that contribute towards enhancing better training.

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The study mainly focused on the critical attributes that can result in appropriate training as well as needed precursors that can improve the training experience based on the available of multiple resource materials. Through its findings, the research elaborated the winning attributes that can improve training in addition to the listing of the various characteristics of a successful organization. The paper will empower different entrepreneurial firms to design appropriate training strategies at the workplaces so as to facilitate staff motivation and come up with administration theories of development. In addition, the training ideals also place a lot of emphasis on the theories and models that can provide appropriate nuances of training such as the theory x and y and even the models of employee motivation by Maslow based on the psychoanalyst perspective. The paper has methodologies, literature review and research implications that can be practically linked to existent cases within firms and institutions today.

Literature review

There is a wide variety of articles and publications that can prelude any research on leadership that is linked with training at the workplace. Angela from the University of Atii Din has in her works expounded on the ideals of servant leadership and how important this aspect is to employees in an organization. Such ideals are consistent with the nuances of Asiya and Takala of gaining competitive advantage by using transformational leadership within the organization. In their works, the latter pair explicates a critical case study of diverse emerging American companies and the ideals they apply in their bid to remain relevant and thrive in a competitive business world.

There is a huge evolution in training within the workplace which has been facilitated by simple skills as well as attributes which are more often inculcated and determined by every situation and this is, rather abrasively, depicted in the basic training manual by Carnevale. In his second book, “Workplace Basics: The Essential Skills Employers Want. ASTD Best Practices Series: Training for a Changing Work Force”he goes further to unravel some leadership skills that can be found in many leaders. On the other hand, the author Elena, on the other hand, delves into the attributes of leadership that can motivate employees in the course of training. This sharply contrasts with the diagnosis of Hepworth and Towler who advocate for an aggressive leader during training at the workplace. Mandel and Shilpa differ with Hepworth and Towler and even assert that aggression and leadership attributes are critically linked to the emotional intelligence of the leaders which is also a phenomenon postulated by both Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud. Platt also supports this notion by making an analysis of a clinical workplace by employing different motivation theories that a leader may choose to utilize, Yau Zakari presents his theory of motivation within the workplace and attributes of leadership by using yet another case of Nigeria.

Strategic implication and leadership attributes

The study covers many institutions which have amassed experiences and nuances of attributes that can influence  the success of any training in the workplace. Many models and paradigms in the history of success in human resources and business management provide a list of characteristics that are evident in many case studies. In many cases, the team leaders effect change by conducting training in their firms and organizations which is done within specific timeframes for the different departments and faculties in an organization. In essence, through the trainings, these traits influence the nature of leaders that are important in impacting the different changes.

During training, motivation was identified as a key element that is seen in inclusive leadership perspectives and which can help an organization to attain success. Accordingly, Down states that the team leaders, are expected to be in possession of specific natural traits certain natural attributes that can resonate with the employees during training sessions. Down strongly advocates for compassionate leadership combined with strong aspects of integrity during the training sessions. A case study in Louisiana exemplifies a training module that addresses different paradigms of management by a team leader through the strategic team of analysis.

In the Clothing industry training, many employees gained inspiration because they could comfortably identify with their team leader because she not only had compassion but integrity as well in handling the employees’ personal matters during the training. Interviews carried out at different levels at the workplace further revealed that the leaders held formal trainings and experience meetings with gurus on a regular basis which fostered trust and respect for team members. These leadership have been attributed to the success and productivity in the workplace as is evident in the GAP industry.

Even though not all scholars and business analysts agree on this aspect, the art of communication in workplace trainings has been said to not only enhance cooperation in the workplace but also motivated employee. A study that focused on twenty two organizations across six different states in the US highlighted the fact that most of the team leaders often employ different visual aids and speech filters in order to drive their points and communicate clearly. A lot of data reveals that the quality of both verbal and written communication during training session enhances the expectation communication and allowances. The employees can easily comprehend the different visual instruments used by such leaders. Carneval Works also reveals the important connection between communication and the proper attributes of an organization. Exceptional organizational skills are often an indication of effective leadership during training and they can be clearly seen through communication and proper preparation.

For instance team leaders at Apple Incorporation during an employee training will be well aware of the modules to offer and the different nuances to include in such modules especially when seeking to convey information regarding thepolicies of the firms without raising any friction or compromising on the capacity of employees to learn and positively contribute to the organization. Therefore in predetermined contexts, the organized team leaders are capable of enforcing systems that can maintain order while offering guidance for team members in a bid to meet the firm’s needs and its objectives.

Furthermore, different aspects of personal traits that can facilitate circumstantial adjustments at different times are covered by leadership and better training at workplaces. Although it was not a major criterion in many conducted interviews, confidence emerged as a component of training for many leaders because it summed the abilities to communicate effectively and also organize members. The case study of the quarterly training of McDonald’s Departmental store managers every year, it was found out that a confident leader can potentially tap into the abilities of each employee during the training and such leaders were often secure in making decisions and undertaking actions that influence both the training and the team. The self confidence in leaders developed an assurance and motivation for the team and also facilitated the achievement of the theory of self actualization. Confidence was closely linked to respect as well as full flair for current events to effectively deliver the relevant training modules for everybody. A leader that is able to give real lifetime examples in the training modules and give realistic market ranges during the entire training program, enables the employees to adapt to the training mood and also link the objectives of the firm to the competitive market advantage.


Nevertheless, the research, revealed that certain leadership attributes are incompatible with the critical requirements of all corporate leaders. Ideally, some leadership attributes lack the virtues of team leaders that are pertinent to creating a business turn in motivating employees and fostering their allegiance. This was evident in firms like Jinnikin Jeans where employee voices were gagged and the form of theory x implemented within the human resource and administration caused every staff to bear and feel the burden of autocratic leadership. In this case, training was not necessary but whenever it was conducted, the staff was usually briefed on new policies and demands hence creating the picture of a machination galore. This case study was an essential demystification of the juxtaposition between good and bad leadership strategies in training and development within different workplaces.

In conclusion, it is important for certain leadership attributes to be exercised during workplace training as they can create the right level of motivation and direction that will facilitate the success of a firm. The research further unveils a combination of winning attributes which leaders can employ to set  standards for competitive advantage and human resource management in their organizations and training sessions. Such traits include confidence, integrity, organization and respect for team members and they play a critical role in determining the success and drive of an organizational team. Nonetheless, the research team placed a lot of emphasis on the ideals of a proper communication being infused in the situational leadership style as they mark the contexts of association and reliability of all leaders in conducting successful training.

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Angela, On. “The New Paradigm: Servant Leadership.”Analele Universităţii Din Oradea: 478.

Asiya, S., Z. Kazmi, and Josu Takala. “Entrenching Strategic Competitive Advantage through Transformational Leadership!.”

Carnevale, Anthony P. Workplace Basics Training Manual. ASTD Best Practices Series: Training for a Changing Work Force. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, 1990.

Carnevale, Anthony P. Workplace Basics: The Essential Skills Employers Want. ASTD Best Practices Series: Training for a Changing Work Force. Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, 1990.

Down, Roger Wolf Steps. “The C-Drum News.” (2009).

Elena, Ţebeian Adriana. “How To Improve Employee Motivation And Group Performance Through Leadership–Conceptual Model.”The Annals Of The University Of Oradea: 1086.

Hepworth, Willie, and Annette Towler. “The effects of individual differences and charismatic leadership on workplace aggression.”Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 9, no. 2 (2004): 176.

Mandell, Barbara, and Shilpa Pherwani. “Relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership style: A gender comparison.”Journal of business and psychology 17, no. 3 (2003): 387-404.

Platt, Linda S. “Leadership Skills and Abilities, Professional Atributes, and Teaching Effectiveness in Athletic Training Clinical Instructors.” PhD diss., Duquesne University, 2000.

Ya’u, Yunusa Zakari. “The youth, economic crisis and identity transformation: the case of the Yandaba in Kano.”Identity transformation and identity politics under structural adjustment in Nigeria (2000): 161-80.

Originally posted 2015-06-02 09:05:16.

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