
Read the posted article in its entirety. Note: This must be evident in your over

Read the posted article in its entirety. Note: This must be evident in your overall submission. Submit a review for each article separately one page for each. Articles have been attached to file as well as the template to follow for the review.
2. Provide the reference to the article in APA Style (see
Note: You must provide the reference in completely accurate
APA Style.
3. In one paragraph, identify the authors, publication year, topic, and
type or purpose of the article (for example, primary research study
[or multiple studies], literature review [narrative review, systematic
review, or meta-analysis], or commentary).
4. In one paragraph, summarize the method used by the authors.
Note: If a primary study: participants/sample, measures, and
study design; if a narrative or empirical review article: sample of
included studies and measures or variables focused on.
5. State the three most important results/findings in the article as
numbered single sentences.
Note: Key findings should not be reported with statistical terms
or notations (e.g., “statistically significant,” “p = #,” “correlation
coefficient”). Instead, rely on the reliability or size/magnitude of
the effects as described by the study authors (e.g., reliable [aka.
statistically significant], unreliable [aka. not statistically
significant], stable [aka. narrow confidence interval], unstable
[aka. wide confidence interval], small, medium, large). Also, if
describing an association/relationship, specify whether it was
“positive” or “negative” in direction.
Note: Be specific when describing the outcome(s) (aka.
dependent variables, as distinct from independent variables) investigated in the study.
Note: Use the past tense to describe study results. Use the
present or future tense for clinical implications.
6. In one paragraph, summarize study limitations as described by the
authors or noticed by you.
7. State three implications of the article’s results/findings for forensic
psychologists as numbered single sentences.
8. State three “opened-ended” legal questions—each as numbered
single sentences—that a prosecutor or plaintiff’s attorney might
ask an expert witness about the article, which are likely to result in
responses that highlight theoretical or methodological strengths of
the article and resulting implications for practice.
Note: An example of an open-ended question is one that
prompts the respondent to answer with an explanation, such as,
“Dr. King, what did the study find about the predictive ability of
the violence risk assessment tool that you used in your
9. State three “close-ended” legal questions—each as numbered
single sentences—that a criminal, family, or civil defense attorney
might ask an expert witness about the article, which are likely to
result in responses that are critical of the article’s theoretical or
methodological limitations and resulting implications for practice.
Note: An example of a close-ended question is one that prompts
the respondent to answer just “yes” or “no,” such as, “Dr. King,
isn’t it true that the study found that the violence risk
assessment tool that you used in your evaluation sometimes
made inaccurate predictions?
10. In one paragraph, briefly summarize three cases from the book
chapter/lecture that are relevant to the article.
Additional notes 1. Use the template posted in the Modules.
2. Carefully follow each one of the above directions

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