
please must go off my teaching plan attached. The purpose of this assignment is

please must go off my teaching plan attached.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for students to apply the nursing process while planning education to meet the needs of patients.
Develop a teaching plan based on an assigned scenario or case. Determine what elements you would include in your assessment of the learner. Identify anticipated or expected learner needs. Select and prioritize evidence based teaching strategies that would best meet the needs of the learner. Describe the resources you would provide to enhance learning. Explain methods that would be used to evaluate learning outcomes. Provide rationales for elements of your teaching plan supported by references from the required course reading assignments. Use the teaching plan format assigned. The competencies contained in the Teaching Plan Rubric will be assessed through this assignment.
A. opening statement intent of paper and background of what and why ms Patterson will be taught ( AND TEACHING HOW TO USE HAND HELD NEUBULIZER.
B. define,discuss and explain:
I. learning needs Assessment,
11. Learning style
1. 3 Domains
III. readiness/willingness of the learner,
1. (level 1-4 )
C. Goal development
D. conclusion
E. Reference page (APA) at least 4 references( NOT OLDER THAN 3 YEARS)
1. 3 Domains

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