
Models of practice can be found in leadership, business, education, and technology. Explain how you will use the model you chose in your advanced practice role.

Kaplan MN502
Unit 3 Assignment latest 2016 September

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Philosophy of Advance Nursing Practice Narrative
This Assignment addresses this course outcome:
MN502-1: Formulate a professional nursing philosophy based
upon the role and responsibilities of the advanced nurse.
The purpose of this Assignment is for you to present your
views, values, and beliefs about the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm
(i.e., person, nursing, health, and environment) and their interrelationship to
one another as they guide your current nursing practice. The process of
identifying a personal nursing philosophy of advanced nursing practice and
continuously examining, affirming, and validating this philosophy through
caring for patients, families, communities, populations, and/or systems can
foster professional and personal growth that builds advanced practice
In this Assignment, you will develop the first draft of your
personal philosophy of advanced practice nursing. You will continue to work on
this document throughout the course, with new drafts reflecting your growing
sophistication as you reflect on each week’s lesson.
A philosophical statement includes these elements:

introduction that presents your thought processes used to articulate a
philosophy of advanced practice nursing. Note that APA does not use a
heading for the introduction, because it is assumed that the first few
paragraphs of a manuscript are the introduction.
personal concepts, such as:

concepts such as person/client, nursing, health, and environment
concepts you may find valuable to advanced practice, such as IOM Future
of Nursing, accountability, interprofessional collaborative practice,
social justice, and professionalism
of each concept selected
between and among concepts within your personal philosophy as applied to
your current practice. A diagram with should be used to graphically
depict these interrelationships.

Organization of Your Paper
Your final paper is to be written in APA format (including
organization, documentation, and references) and be no more than two pages in
length. The paper should include a title page and reference list, however,
these pages are not included in the final page count.
Course materials, except textbook, may be used and must be
supplemented by current literature from peer-reviewed nursing journals no older
than 5 years.
Additional resources to support this Assignment include:

Future of Nursing
collaborative practice

Evaluation Criteria
To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit
the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Home.
Assignment Requirements
Before finalizing your work, you should:

sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included
everything necessary; and
spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar,
punctuation, etc.);
well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
superior content, organization, style,and mechanics; and
APA 6thEdition format.

How to Submit
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight
on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click theDropbox taband select this
unit’s basket from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save
a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.
For help uploading your file, review theStudent Guide to the

Kaplan MN502
Unit 5 Assignment latest 2016 September
Where Did the Theory Come From
This Assignment addresses this course outcome:
MN502-2:Explain how theoretical frameworks influence
The purpose of this Assignment is to explore how a theorist
explicates his or her philosophy and thoughts behind a theoretical field. As in
other fields of study, nursing has a plethora of theorists and theories. These
theorists have developed their paradigm over time enriching it with research
and dialogue with other theorists.
You are going to explore how a theorist of your choice
created his or her theory. Did it develop as an acorn becoming a mighty oak
over the decades? Did it arrive as a burst of light like the big bang as some
believe created our universe? Was it developed from a blueprint like a
spaceship where thousands of scholars worked together to create a rocket to the
moon? In point of fact, how is a theory developed? This is what we are
You will pick a theorist who interests you, it does not have
to be a nurse theorist. You may also choose from other disciplines such as:
behavioral, leadership, business, education, technology.
You will become the theorist immersing yourself in the
writings from the earliest mentioned to the most current.
As you read, look at how you (taking on the persona of the
theorist) developed the theory.
In the first stage, theorizing occurs. This is where you, as
the theorist, identify the concepts of what nursing is and is not. Perhaps you
questioned what concepts were guiding those in nursing practice and then
started to question your role. You started asking yourself, “Where am I in
nursing, and where the profession is going? Is there some overarching concept
that guides the professional in his or her practice?†This is where you
recognize that a theory is needed.
In the second stage, syntax is developed. This is where you
will define the terms. Look for changing definitions of terms. Consider, for
example, Jean Watson. She starts by defining the word “caring.†Within the last
ten years she has refined her terminology changing the term caring to caritas.
This demonstrates a growth and maturation from decades of research she and
other scholars did to produce the theory of caring.
The third stage is theory testing. Defined as the phenomena
behind the theory that are exposed through research. The definitions of terms
are refined. The theorists and other researchers consider whether this theory
helps answer questions that arise in practice. This is where your theory is
used in by a widening group of researchers. For example, graduate nursing
students request the tool you developed while testing your theory.
The fourth and last stage is evaluation. This is where
philosophical debate occurs as the concepts are applied through evidenced based
practice in the act of providing nursing care.
Assignment Details
For this Assignment, you are going to write an article for a
nursing journal explaining how you developed your theory through the four
stages (theorizing, syntax, theory testing, and evaluation).Your paper must be
3 to 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages.
To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit
the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Home.
Assignment Requirements
Before finalizing your work, you should:

sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included
everything necessary; and
spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar,
punctuation, etc.);
well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
superior content, organization, style,and mechanics; and
APA 6th Edition format.

How to Submit
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight
on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click theDropbox taband select this
unit’s basket from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save
a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.
For help uploading your file, review theStudent Guide to the

Kaplan MN502
Unit 7 Assignment latest 2016 September

Models of Practice
This Assignment targets this course outcome:
MN502-3: Evaluate the application of models of practice to
the advanced nurse roles.
What is the difference between a model and a theory?
A model demonstrates the researcher’s interpretation of how
concepts are related to one another and is developed based on qualitative
research. A theory is a hypothesis tested and measured to explain, predict,
describe, and prescribe relationships between concepts and is developed through
quantitative research.
In short, the difference between a model and a theory is the
amount of proof that exists in demonstrating the outcomes they predict.
What do models and theories have in common?
Both models and theories show relationships between
concepts. Models often are precursors to theory development.
Locate a model of practice that you could apply to nursing.
It does not need to be a nursing model. Models of practice can be found in
leadership, business, education, and technology. Explain how you will use the
model you chose in your advanced practice role.
Use thetable template to organize your
thoughts and presentthem for this Assignment. In the first
column, list the characteristics of the model of practice you chose. In the
second column, list your application to your advanced nursing practice role
upon graduation. In the first row, in the first column, write the name of your
chosen model. An example has been provided in the first rows to guide you.
Please remove the examples when entering your information.
To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit
the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Home.
Assignment Requirements
Before finalizing your work, you should:

sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included
everything necessary; and
spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar,
punctuation, etc.);
well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
superior content, organization, style,and mechanics; and
APA 6th Edition format.

How to Submit
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight
on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click theDropbox taband select this
unit’s basket from the dropdown menu, then attach your file. Make sure to save
a copy of your work and be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.
For help uploading your file, review theStudent Guide to the

MN502 unit 9 assignment latest 2016 September
MN502-4: Develop a
philosophy that supports advanced nursing practice reflecting the values,
beliefs, and cultural competencies relative to nursing practice, science, and
Now that you have
spent the last 8 weeks discussing theory development and exploring models and
philosophies that guide advance practice nursing, it is time for you to put it
all together. In this Assignment, you will create a presentation using any form
of presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint®, Prezi™, Movenote™, Powtoons™,
Slidedogâ„¢, and so on). Your presentation should bring together the theory that
best fits your concept of advance practice nursing, the model that you will use
to translate this into practice, and your final philosophy of advance practice
nursing related to your role after graduation.
Please remember that
your presentation should contain slides that have bullet points. The bullets
should number no more than four to six per slide. The bullet point is not
written as a complete sentence. It contains key words. You, as the presenter
will explain in depth what each bullet point means in the audio portion of the
presentation. Slides may contain graphics, but should be uncluttered.
Background and font colors should be of sufficient contrast to make reading
them easy on the eyes. Attention to colors should be paid so that a person who
is colorblind can easily read the presentation.
Assignment Details
The presentation
should consist of a series of slides that include:
Title Slide: A title
slide that identifies the title of the presentation and name of the student.
Introduction Slide:
An introduction slide that includes brief information about you and your
program track. The slide should also explain to the audience the purpose of the
Model Slides: The
third and fourth slides will address your chosen model. The bullet points
should consist of the specific characteristics of the model. You will need at
least one citation that identifies where the model came from. Your audio will
expound upon the model and what the characteristics mean. The fourth slide
should include why you chose the model and how you will apply it in practice.
Theory Slides: The
next three slides will focus on your chosen theory. The first slide should
present your theory and why you chose it. The next slide would present the key
concepts of the theory and how it has been used to date in past research no
older than 5 years ago. The third slide will discuss how you will use this
theory in practice as an advance practice nurse upon graduation.
Philosophy Slide: The
next area will consist of one slide that presents your philosophy of advance
practice nursing in the post-graduate role you will assume. The philosophy
statement will consist of one to three sentences that distill the essence of
what you believe advance practice nursing is and your conception of nursing as
a profession. It is written in the first person and present tense. It is a
personal statement of your beliefs about the profession of nursing. This should
present guiding statements for your future practice in the advanced practice
An example of a
philosophy statement might read this way:
Advanced practice
nursing takes the art and science of nursing to a level of “other”
and “self” interacting together to reach a state of optimal wellness
guided with compassion and love for the culture of the “other.”
Graphical Slide: The
next-to-last slide will be a graphical representation of how the model, theory,
and your philosophy fit together.
Conclusion Slide: The
last slide will be a conclusion that brings together everything you have
presented. It is not a summary that just reiterates what you presented. It is a
judgment about what you presented and bring the audience home, ending the
presentation on a positive note about the future.
You will need
supporting citations for your theory and model slides, and possibly for your
philosophy, as appropriate. You will include the citations where appropriate
and your very last slide will be a reference slide.
The total slide count
should not exceed 15 slides. This does not include the reference slide(s) or
the title slide.
documentation, references formatting guidelines must follow APA 6th edition: To
view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics
section of the Course Home.
Total points: 300
Before finalizing
your work, you should:
be sure to read the
Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
consult the Grading
Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything
necessary; and
utilize spelling and
grammar check to minimize errors.
Your writing
Assignment should:
follow the
conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered,
logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior
content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th Edition



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