1.Many tech companies have innovation- and engineering-driven cultures typical of nimble, improvisation start-ups. Many have already built maturing, multi-billion dollar core businesses, however. As parts of a business portfolio grow and develop, different approaches to strategy may be needed.As the market leader in online advertisement, Ad Words may need to follow a more classical approach to strategy, with greater emphasis on planning, scale economies, and business model optimization; whereas pioneering businesses may need to employ a visionary approach, which stresses speed and persistence in recognizing and addressing an unmet need with a novel product or business model.2.I would not agree with this statement “Google is so successful it does not need to change anything in its strategic framework?” as any company, successful or unsuccessful, will have to change its strategy according to the market demand. The market condition will always change and companies have to change its strategies to keep up with it.If you or your organization isn’t evolving — innovating, growing, or reinventing — you are in danger of failing (Hoque, 2014).Astrophysicist and author Carl Sagan once said, “Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” (Hoque, 2014).The global landscape is littered with the remains of organizations that rose to great heights only to have their fortunes plummet because they were unable to transform themselves as times changed.3.Organizational culture refers to the way in which an organization impacts the values and business norms of its employees. These values help to inform the mission, vision and organizational value system.It sends a message that they shouldn’t be afraid to learn from mistakes, which permits employees to take risks. This can be a difficult message to send in high performing cultures with little tolerance for failure, but research shows that people in high performance cultures learn more effectively from mistakes rather than successes.I believe that the message it sends when the organizational culture encourages employees to view mistakes / problems as opportunities for improvement shows that the company really wants its employees to become better and encourages learning lessons from issues versus immediate punishment. I think this is great culture that employees should seek to find in a company.4.An organization which pushes employees to view problems as opportunities for improvement encourages the employees to be innovative and creative rather than stick to the normal or routine problem solving strategies. Such organizations have the ideal approach to problem solving because employees are encouraged to think out of the box. One of the most important skills is being dynamic. Employees are encouraged to come up with alternatives whenever the routine procedures fail to work. Most importantly, employees are encouraged to solve problems as a group rather than attempt to find solutions individually. In this case, employees feel encouraged and to improve and introduce new ways of doing things. Employees are not discouraged by feeling that they have failed but rather they are encouraged and easily take up challenges which open up new opportunities (Dodgson, Gann, & Phillips, 2015). The message in this case is that employees do not have to rely on the routine methods of problem solving.5. Systems development life cycle (SDLC) is the overall process for developing information systems from planning and analysis through implementation and maintenance (Baltzan, 2017). It has seven phases including planning, analyzing, designing, developing, testing, implementing and maintaining.Espionage is defined as the act of spying or the use of spies by a government or a company (Oxford, 2019). For an e-espionage application, the most critical to develop is SDLC itself. Because it is the system that requires recycling all the errors and improving them to perfection. In recent years, people have become more aware of the need to improve information security, as well as a realization that information security is important for national defense6.Having a Subject Matter Expert (SME) or not is a double-sided coin, Subject matter experts (SME) have in-depth knowledge of the inner industry workings and knows what works and what doesn’t. This knowledge is vital to the success of any project. However, SME’s also tend to have a biased view of how to complete the project. This view can increase the risk of scope creeps as they are more inclined to perfect the product or service instead of insuring objectives are met (Tran, 2016)In my opinion, SME’s shouldn’t be a part of the project management team, but available for technical advice. Project Managers have a group of individuals who specialize in the area they are responsible for on the project who they can rely on for project completion.
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