
Language Acquisition and Learning in Children

Language Acquisition and Learning in Children

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Learning a language is an exciting process for young children. They start by making utterances based on what they see around them, but as their vocabulary grows and becomes more complex, so does how words are combined to form sentences or phrases. When you teach your child about something like dogs – using simple nouns such as dog and cat – he will learn that these can be subjects of sentence verbs (e.g., “The cat sat”), objects of prepositional object pronouns (“I want my toy”–the toy being desired), direct objects with indirect ones (“Do it!”)


Children who have been exposed to diverse environments at home may show higher levels of social intelligence than those whose parents speak only one language because exposure gives. Several studies have shown that children can deduce the meanings of new words. Some mechanisms that lead them to infer novel word meanings include lexical-specific constraints (1989), syntactic form (1999), and conceptual knowledge. Many researchers have conducted experiments to understand the role and importance of others’ intentions in language acquisition. The paper analyzed whether children need a sophisticated understanding of other’s intentions when learning new meanings for words or if they use their pragmatic cues instead, concluding that this is not an either-or proposition but rather dependent on the developmental stage at which one began to learn these concepts (Akhtar et al., 1996). Children are natural psychologists and can understand people’s minds better than adults. New research has found that children can be more proficient in word comprehension due to their “understanding of people’s minds.” The process by which they acquire new meanings is not just based on memory or cognition but also inferred from cues given off during conversations with others about what was said before (Diesendruck et al., 2004).


The research done by Akhtar, Carpenter & Tomasello (1996) has shown that children at the two-year point in their early language learning and production phases are sensitive to the intent of others. The thesis is based on several studies that propose an increased sensitivity to people’s behaviors when they’re just entering toddlerhood instead of looking for patterns mechanically but rather psychologically like many before they have proposed. When Akhtar et al. (1996) conducted two experiments with children in control and experimental conditions, the results corresponded to their belief that two-year-olds are sensitive to what others know. The authors suggest it is plausible for those same kids to use this sensitivity when comprehending or learning language from adults who they can see know an object’s function or name. In experiment one gave out three objects while various people watched, including two experimenters waiting patiently nearby; each child was then asked how these items may be used together based on chance alone. In a new experiment, the researchers found that children would discriminate what was novel if adults reacted with excitement and novelty. For example, an adult exclaims in an excited tone, “Look! I see a modi!” followed by further exclamations like “A Modi!”, “I see a modi in there!”.


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