

Discuss the styles and the themes in relation to the historical context behind the film Zatoichi. It is a good idea
to pick a few scenes from the film and discuss functions of shots, editing, lighting, and sound in the scene, as
you did in your midterm essay. This time, discuss those scenes and their styles more in terms of the historical
I will provide my Proposal about this movie.

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Proposal: Zatoichi
I want to use Zatoichi as my final project. I have watched four of Zatoichi s movies in past ten days and I have some strong feeling about these movies.
The culture about these movies are real fascinating. Zatoichi has great personality and the director build the movie really well. He is the person of Japanese spirit. He never give up and always knows he needs his child. In that historical period the film was far more than a movie. It represents a kind of social spirit at that time and people are looking forward that spirit can be shown in the movie.
I will figure out this movie through the historical, culture and actor and try to build my article as a good analysis article. I will discover how director build Zatoichi and why he build this character in that way. It s a great resource to write about.


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