
Information Technology Essay Sample

The article “The End of Corporate Computing” mainly depicts the situation of information technology in today’s business industries. He then claims that because of the similarities and the common characteristics of each IT systems within every company, IT can never be considered as an edge to being highly competitive against others. Yes, this is true, but then saying that IT itself does not matter at all could be considered as an exaggeration of the matter. As said earlier, IT has alleviated the business industries so much.
Today, the data of companies as well as their market could be viewed through the Internet making it possible to attract more customers at that. In this way companies who are able to catch up with the latest IT systems available for their company gains an edge against those who cannot have even an access to the said IT systems. True, with the fast-paced life of people today, the idea of being left behind because of lack of necessary IT systems for the business may prove to be a fatal situation for a certain business venture.
This then thus conclude that both the IT systems of a company along with the intellectual abilities of its management sector should work together to attain the aimed development for any growing business firm. However, there are still some business individuals who are not able to recognize the fact that too much of everything is also dangerous. As for example, McAfee’s “Do you have too much IT” pinpoints that the existence of too much computer or electronic drive systems in the business industries have also caused problems especially with regards to the security of different matters that are displayed by the company through the Internet.

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This is mainly because of the fact that there are a lot of people that are able to visit the Internet freely and are not bounded by any certain hindrances. Thus, making it possible for some computer experts to perform illegal theft activities, which could be incurred through the Internet applications provided too by the worldwide web. Certainly, there is a big reason why there are still many experts who are not amiable to making full use of IT as a generator for business transactions especially with regards to money matters.
However, it should always be considered by the said experts that with ample control, security measures and other points of consideration that could be carried on through by the companies operating within the Internet systems, an expected good result could still be predicted in the future. Hence, this means that IT does matter, although there are some measures of concern that should be considered during its operation. Living in a high tech society requires of so much advancement especially in the field of commerce.
Being able to market ones products or services to a bigger number of customers might mean that a company must be able to obtain the most advanced technology there is. Indeed, taking advantage of what technology has to offer, such as Information Technology, is a vital part of a company’s growth in today’s internationalized industries. Remember though that it must also be always taken into account that these IT systems would never work without the efficiency and effort of human labor such as the
management. The integration of these two sectors in a business firm would surely bring a company to its peak state. No, Information technology is not yet dead. In the business industry, it is still and will continuously be a part of any emerging company’s growth in the globalization of the business industries. The E-Business Strategies and their Growth in the Business Industries Globalization has long been opening a wide array of challenges to the business industries around the world.
At all costs, many global corporations opted to continuously cope up with the challenges of the business systems offered through globalizing strategies. Then, just when the global companies have already adjusted to the needs of the global systems, another challenge opens up as the Internet systems enter the scenes of the business world. Today, one of the trends in the business marketing strategies is the invasion of the cyber industry. Hence, the systems of globalization have offered more and more challenges for business organizations.
The competition among industries with regards to how fast and how vast their consumer relations are has grown ever tighter. In this regard, the necessary strategies to make a successful cyber business shall be discussed in this paper, which would be mainly based upon a major company, which is involved in computer manufacturing activities. Hence, through this, the essential factors making up a successful online business would be introduced and closely examined.

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