
Health care is always a top of the topics that any politician speaks about in their campaigns, election or plans for the future. Many discussions takes place about health care delivery whether it should be free provided by the government or paid by the individual through insurance “market good”. This is a very hard question to answer and the current transformation within the Saudi health care system has been focusing on such a problem from the beginning.

Health care is always a top of the topics that any politician speaks about in their campaigns, election or plans for the future. Many discussions takes place about health care delivery whether it should be free provided by the government or paid by the individual through insurance “market good”. This is a very hard question to answer and the current transformation within the Saudi health care system has been focusing on such a problem from the beginning.

Currently we have a population of over 30 million people spending 7% of our GDP which equates to around $20 billion, yet the access and quality of health care is still at the level of a third world country. The government is trying to use different payment models to reduce waste and improve quality without having the public paying taxes or cost sharing their medical bills. The only conclusion so far in Saudi is to find a new methodology to pay for the health care service. But what should we expect from health care or what do our patients expect from us as health care workers?

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To answer this question I interviewed three of my healthy friends and three patients that I know, they listed almost the same exact elements that they see would present a quality health care system. The very first element they all asked for is access to health care in different levels without the need to ask for help or use connections to gain access, which is currently a common occurrence. This would mean fair access to everyone regardless of their social status or wealth. The second element is quality and safety of the services provided to them. This was explained in different ways but ultimately all wanted quality providers, institutions, buildings and service. The third element was an on time service or timely mannered service that assured you receive the right action or encounter at the right time. To them it is very important to have quality service that is accessed in a timely mannered. I would add from tribble aim cost effective to the list above, as health care cost is very important to be controlled and managed. We don’t want to have a health system that cripples a countries economy or on the other hand so underfunded that it collapses.

Now should health care be free or universal or should it be commercial or insurance market goods? I personally think, based on my culture, belief and country values, health care should be free to everyone. I think it is the responsibility of the government to all its followers, to grant access to cost effective, safe and quality health care. Despite the belief that health care is more of a right for everyone, defending such a right is an act of compassion and kindness which are two components of Beneficence that are considered a pillar of ethics.

When government regulations lose its grasp on health care and it starts to become an industry rather than service, big sharks and money tycoons start to move in and make health care their playground. They start manipulating policies into their favour and stripping health care from all its ethical values and move to finance, money and stock values. I think everything wrong in health came because it became a commodity rather than a compassionate and empathetic service to care for the sick or injured person. What we have become when someone dies because she/he do not have the finances to pay for the care that they should be entitled to as a right is very frustrating and disappointing. Going through this topic some say we would not have got as far as we are today in advanced medicine if we hadn’t made a free market to encourage investors to pour money into research. It is a valid argument but do we need all the current technology and sophisticated machines we have today, or is really as useful as they picture. I don’t believe such reason as this is enough to float health care out of governmental control.”

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The post Health care is always a top of the topics that any politician speaks about in their campaigns, election or plans for the future. Many discussions takes place about health care delivery whether it should be free provided by the government or paid by the individual through insurance “market good”. This is a very hard question to answer and the current transformation within the Saudi health care system has been focusing on such a problem from the beginning. appeared first on My Nursing Papers.

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