
Global Health Essay 3

Submit a 3 pages essay to respond to the question(s) below raised in the article. Incorporate the required reading in your essay. Use examples from additional readings to support your argument. Use recent data and examples to support your argument.   

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Question: Many of the diseases listed in the report are not as prevalent in the developed world as in developing countries. Should people in the developed world care much about the plight or the disease state of others in distant places? What responsibility does affluent countries and the international community have to mitigate the effects of disrupted ecosystems services?

Required reading: 
Myers, S. and Patz, J. 2009. Emerging Threats to Global Health from Global Environmental Change. Annual Review of Environmental Resources, 2009. 34:223-252.

James Balog: Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss. TED, September 2009.

Additional reading: 
IPCC. Climate Change 2014. Summary for Policy Makers. (pgs. 2-31).

Format: Double spaced, 12 font size on Times New Roman, APA style references and citations. 

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