
Do not reveal actual names of people or organizations to protect privacy and confidentiality. Instead, use “codes” for names, such as Manager1, or ABC, Inc.

Every one of us has experienced change in organizations—either planned or spontaneous. For this week’s discussion, recall a planned, orchestrated change that you’ve experienced in a work setting. Explain the types of communication, channels, and technologies that you remember being used. Who delivered the messages? And with what frequency? Was there a measured outcome?

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Do not reveal actual names of people or organizations to protect privacy and confidentiality. Instead, use “codes” for names, such as Manager1, or ABC, Inc.

Document the information that you recall. Then, provide structure to the information using a graphical display: a table or figure. This activity requires using logic to categorize and structure data. There are no wrong answers.

Limit the original post to two clear and concise paragraphs in which you describe the change scenario, introduce the table or figure, and provide an explanation of the graphical display.

Attach the table or figure to the post.

When responding to other students, provide feedback on the text and graphical displays specific to:

Was the scenario explanation clear?
In the explanation and attachment, what communication strategies and tactics did you recognize?
Would you or would you not use a table or figure to help communicate change?
In your response to at least two classmate’s posts, identify an alternative reason that explains the difference in work attitudes identified in your classmate’s post. Include research that supports your reasons.
Chapter 9 in Intercultural Business Communication

Argenti, P. (2016). Communication strategy. In C. Carroll (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of corporate reputation (Vol. 2, pp. 138-140). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781483376493.n60

Wesselink, Blok, & Ringersma. (2017). Pro-environmental behaviour in the workplace and the role of managers and organisation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 1679-1687.

Milota Vetráková, Miloš Hitka, Marek Potkány, Silvia Lorincová, & Lukáš Smerek. (2018). Corporate sustainability in the process of employee recruitment through social networks in conditions of Slovak small and medium enterprises. Sustainability, 10(5).

Passey, D., Hammerback, K., Huff, A., Harris, J., & Hannon, P. (2018). The role of managers in employee wellness programs: A mixed-methods study. American Journal of Health Promotion: AJHP, 32(8), 1697-1705.

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