
Disaster preparedness has been a major focus since the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001. Disaster preparedness has been a major focus since the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001. Much planning for all types of disasters have been done since that time.

Disaster preparedness has been a major focus since the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001.
Disaster preparedness has been a major focus since the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001. Much planning for all types of disasters have been done since that time.

Disaster preparedness has been a major focus since the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001. Much planning for all types of disasters have been done since that time. How successful has our planning been? Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012, makes one wonder. Please read through the articles posted for insight (Nursing in Hurricanes Katrina & Sandy – You will not be tested on the articles.).
Start this project as soon as you can. The Turnitin portal will be open for you to upload as early as Week 5 (Thursday) and the final due date is Week 6 on Monday evening at 11:55p.m. (This gives you 5 days to upload. See the calendar for a clear understanding.)

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The document that is uploaded is what is graded. Please be sure to double check prior to hitting submit. There will be no resubmitting of documents.


OPTION #1 – Your facility’s disaster plan:

Review the disaster plans in place within your facility. This is the best option. Your purposeful review may benefit your practice should a disaster occur. Do not attempt to analyze hospital-wide plans; this is too time-consuming! However, you may have to “skim” large parts of the plan to find what you would like to write about.

-Select a segment of your facility’s plan that needs improvement or is an exemplary part of the plan.

-Discuss what needs improvement and what a possible resolution might be.

-If it is an exemplary part of the plan, what makes it exemplary? Defend your assertion with peer reviewed journal(s).

OPTION #2 – A needs assessment of your facility:

If you cannot locate your facility’s disaster plan, you can use the “Hospital Disaster Preparedness Self-Assessment Tool” in the Additional Required Readings under the Final Project banner. Do not attempt to use the entire tool; this is too time-consuming!

-Select a segment of the tool to assess your facility.

-Discuss your assessment findings.

-Offer a resolution to negative findings or commend positive findings (and what makes it positive). Defend your assertion with peer reviewed journal(s).

OPTION #3 – An example of a hospital’s disaster plan:

If you are employed in a setting other than a hospital (ie: clinic, home health, etc.), unemployed or your facility does not have a disaster plan, please review the example disaster plan on the Moodle course page. Do not attempt to analyze the hospital-wide plan; this is too time-consuming! However, you may have to “skim” large parts of the plan.

-Select a segment of the facility’s example plan that needs improvement or is an exemplary part of the plan to find what you would like to write about.

-Discuss what needs improvement and what a possible resolution might be.

-If it is an exemplary part of the plan, what makes it exemplary? Defend your assertion with peer reviewed journal(s).

APA format applies (in-text citations as indicated, double spacing, title page, and reference page). Your submission should not exceed two to three pages (2-3) pages excluding the title page and reference list. This is intended to be scholarly writing. Support your assertions with evidence-based, peer-reviewed nursing journals as indicated.

This activity is worth 20% of your total grade. You can expect individual feedback within a week of the due date and time.

Students failing to meet the deadline will receive an automatic 50% reduction on their paper prior to actual grading. If the student fails to submit within the next 24 hours, a grade of “0” will be assigned.



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The post Disaster preparedness has been a major focus since the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001. Disaster preparedness has been a major focus since the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001. Much planning for all types of disasters have been done since that time. appeared first on Pure Nursing Papers.

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