
Describe the species group or groups of people affected by this problem, with particular attention to vulnerable populations.

Child Welfare Issue Paper – (Due on 2/21) (25 points) TOPIC OF PAPER: Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children For this assignment, students will conduct a thorough literature review on a current issue facing child welfare practice. Write an 8-page paper (excluding title and reference page) and format it in accordance with American Psychological Association (APA) 6 ed. style (cover page, double space, 1-inch margin, running heads, page number, in-text citation, references, etc.). Make sure to reference at least 6 PEER-REVIEWED journal articles. Other appropriate sources of selections will include scholarly articles, book chapters, treatment manuals, conference proceedings, or governmental reports. Use current literature (typically within the past 8-10 years). Do not put any sources in your references that you have not used in your paper. Proofread your paper (fewer than three typos or grammatical errors will indicate evidence of proofreading) The research paper should include the following headings; 10-point deduction if missing • Introduction to the issue: identify and describe the topic you are researching, including the scope of the issue. Describe the species group or groups of people affected by this problem, with particular attention to vulnerable populations. How widespread is the problem currently? • Review of the Literature: Discuss current research. Explain the history of the issue and what is known. DeÖne at-risk factors and populations. What factors have contributed to the identified problem? Place the problem within a sociopolitical-economic framework in order to explain these factors. / How are society’s values re×ected in how the problem is deÖned? How are social work values congruent with or divergent from, society’s values with respect to the problem you have identiÖed? • Interventions and Services: Discuss relevant policy initiatives, and evidence-based practice interventions to improve the outcomes for these speciÖc children and families in the child welfare system. What solutions have been attempted to solve the problem? Evaluate their effectiveness. • Conclusions: Summarize and critically evaluate the current status of the issue. Include personal thoughts with corroborating support from the literature about the future development of services you feel are signiÖcant in addressing the issue. What solutions would you propose and why?

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