
Create an International Business Plan (TJX/Tanzania)

The report should be 10–12 pages, excluding cover page, executive summary, reference list, and appendices. Any tables, graphs, and figures should be included as appendices. Your report should have one-inch margins and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. In-text citations and references should abide by APA format. The report should be organized using headings and subheadings to improve its readability. (Template provided)
Please use some of the references provided, and provide scholarly research/citations.

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Step 1:  Develop a Marketing Strategy 
Develop a marketing strategy for the industry in which your client organization belongs. Your marketing strategy should incorporate the components described here (and in Steps 2–3).
To develop your marketing strategy, identify and assess the following components:

your organization’s main competitors in the country
market and segment growth over the next three years
market and segment profitability over the next three years
underlying costs and cost structure
distribution systems channels and distribution and supply chain strategy

Step 2:   Assess the Characteristics of Your Client Organization’s Potential Customers in the Selected Country 
As you continue developing your marketing strategy, the next step is to make recommendations to Gustavo on particular aspects of the client organization’s marketing strategy that would be tailored to the selected country’s market. Specifically, address the following components:

marketing mix in the country
promotional practices
pricing strategy
branding and branding strategies

Step 3:   Assess Your Client Organization’s Use of Web Networks and Social Media for E-Marketing 

Assess your client organization’s use of web networks and social media for e-marketing, given the unique ways in which computers, smartphones, the internet, and social media are used among the country’s consumers. As you undertake this assessment, read more about the following topics:

management, strategies, tools, and practices in e-marketing
crafting a digital marketing strategy
key elements of web analytics
customer relationship management (CRM)
social CRM

Evaluate the client’s e-marketing strategy from the viewpoint of its effectiveness in the selected country. Make sure your marketing strategy looks at the clients use of web networks and social media for e-marketing given that social media and use of computers change country to country. 

Step 4:    Make Financial Projections and Evaluate Accounting Standards in the Selected Country 

Include an estimate of the time frame needed for the client to break even:

Prepare market share estimates for your client organization’s product in the      selected country and revenue forecasts for the next three years.
Provide justification for your projections, such as prior industry performance in      terms of unit sales, market size, and profit margins in the country.
Estimate the time frame needed for the client to break even.

Read more about financial break-even analysis as you make your estimates.
Next, assess any financial and accounting challenges by answering the following questions:

Examine the financial statements of competitors in the selected country. Are there      any differences in terms of language, currency, or the type of statements (income statement, balance sheet, financial statement format, extent of footnote disclosures, and the underlying GAAP [generally accepted accounting principles]) between your client organization’s reports in the United States and the reports required by law in the selected country? Review The Role of Similar Accounting Standards in Cross-Border Mergers and Accounting Conventions and Standards for assistance.
How is the reporting of your client organization’s financial results affected by the      accounting standards in the selected country?

After you have made three-year financial projections and examined accounting standards associated with entering the new country, continue to the next step, where you will address governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues.

Step 5:    Address Governance and CSR Issues 

  As you continue developing your business plan, address your client organization’s governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues by answering the following questions:

How do your client organization’s governance and accountability and code of conduct or ethics address risks such as bribery and corruption? Search for      Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index online and make      recommendations for changes to the code, if needed, for operations in the      selected country.
Do your client organization’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies in the United States address local community interests, stakeholders’ concerns, and      supplier relationships? Make recommendations for CSR changes to the      program in the selected country, if needed.

Step 6:    Prepare Strategy Implementation Plan  

 The next step is to specify the major factors to be tracked for strategy implementation using the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard: learning and growth perspective, business process perspective, customer perspective, and financial perspective.

Step 7:     Complete Your Final Report 

Your final report should include key findings in marketing strategy (Steps 1–3) and financial value and strategy implementation (Steps 4–6 ). It should also include an executive summary.

The report should be 10–12 pages, excluding cover page, executive summary, reference list, and appendices. Any tables, graphs, and figures should be included as appendices. Your report should have one-inch margins and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. In-text citations and references should abide by APA format. The report should be organized using headings and subheadings to improve its readability. (Template provided)

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