
Choose three current learning theories that are used when designing and developing online learning.

Order Description
Begin the response for Question #1 here double-spaced with the first line indented. Header will appear on second and subsequent pages. Insert name in header where
Tyner (2010 p. 1) provided a perspective about the disconnect between burgeoning media literacy skills in contemporary society and their restricted role in formal
learning environments. Choose three current learning theories that are used when designing and developing online learning. Analyze whether the theories are able to
encompass and bridge this disconnect. Propose how one of the theories could better when including social networking media student creation of media and/or gaming
simulations in the design of online instruction at your institution.
Tyner K. (Ed.) (2010). Media literacy: New agendas in communication. New York NY: Routledge.
Begin the response for Question #2 here double-spaced with the first line indented. Header will appear on second and subsequent pages. Insert name in header where
Silber and Kearney (2010) were adamant that trainers and instructional design professionals must have the ability to think effectively about an organization from a
business point of view (p. 3) and therefore need to be able to demonstrate bottom-line impacts of their training efforts to senior executives. Summarize recent (since
2005) research on theories principles and best practices of designing training for adult learners with an eye to ensuring desired organizational results. Drawing
upon your own experience identify an already implemented training solution that can benefit from revisions and outline a research proposal that is designed to improve
the courses quality and impact.
Silber K.H. & Kearney L. (2010). Organizational intelligence. San Francisco CA: Pfeiffer.
Begin the response for Question #3 here double-spaced with the first line indented. Header will appear on second and subsequent pages. Insert name in header where
Single space individual references using APA Style and double space between references using a hanging indent. (The format is already set for the hanging indent on
this line.)
Single space individual references using APA Style and double space between references using a hanging indent. (The format is already set for the hanging indent on
this line.)
revision feedback
Please review all the comments from the three reviewers (Q1 Q2 and Q3). Please highlight the changes in the paper to address the problems. Please fix all the typos
and please be sure to address the reviewers concerns. Please have these revisions to me by December 11th.Responses to Question 1:Q1 Comment: This essay brings up
topics that are particularly important to the distinction between experimental and quasi-experimental research designs such as internal validity costs study
environments administration and ethics. The organization of the writing seems clear. However the essay has several issues that undercut its effectiveness. First
though not the most important issue it is worth noting that if you consistently misspell a word that is central to your topic you start out badly with reviewers.
Simulation is not the same as stimulation and is never spelled correctly in this essay. Next it is not clear to me that the writer understands a pretest-posttest
control experimental design. Though the writer indicates that randomizing into groups is important the graphic on p. 12 does not show two groups and the explanatory
paragraph suggests to me that the writer considers the pretest as the control. It should be noted that not only should there be two groups the control group should
also participate in the instruction without the treatment/intervention and the posttest should be taken by both groups at the same time. It should also be noted and
is never considered in the essay that a pretest is not needed in a controlled experimental design because individual differences are accounted for by randomization
as opposed to a quasi-experimental design where a pretest can help account for individual differences. Another issue is that the writer seems to be incorrectly
characterizing threats to validity in quasi-experimental designs. In several places the writer refers to a high probability that groups are non-uniform (p. 8) that
other factors may have had consequential contribution to the results (p. 9) that a study has low internal validity (p. 9). The problem with not randomizing and
not controlling for all but the study variable(s) is that we do not know how much outside factors affect the data. We cannot say whether these factors are a high or
low probability on affecting the outcomes of the study. Note that careful editing of writing should be done to ensure that sentences make sense (e.g. design research
developing tools of analysis as derived from the local instruction resources (p. 2)) and that GUM issues are corrected. For GUM in particular the writer should be
careful about including articles (a and the) where appropriate. Generally APA format OK. Watch use of capitals in headings. References have a few inconsistent
errors.Q2 Comment: This essay contains many interesting points in response to the question posted particularly the point about the use of social media to help
learners construct their own meaning. However the purpose of a comprehensive exam is to allow a learner to demonstrate a professional knowledge of the field and to
demonstrate the ability to use that knowledge. Thus there are two critical issues that severely hamper the effectiveness of the writing. First critical terms are not
defined leaving the reader wondering whether the writer fully understands the concepts discussed. For example media is not defined. It appears that media is
synonymous with a popular definition that would include social media (email applications like Facebook discussion forums etc.); however because this definition
would not conform with most instructional designers definition (e.g. related to graphics audio and video materials) without a clear definition the meaning of
this writings assertions is not clear. In addition the terms cognitivism and behaviorism are relegated to a single sentence each and even these sentences are
not really definitions. On the other hand social constructivism is elaborated enough so that a reader can adequately discern the writers purpose. This leads to the
next point. Second theories of learning are oversimplified so that it is not clear that the writer fully understands what they are and how they relate to learning.
This may partly be a result of lack of definition. Cognitivism appears to be relegated to just indicating that people have individual differences that should be
accounted for in instruction and behaviorism is reduced to giving instruction different levels for learners different skill levels. But these theories relate to much
more. Cognitivism should explain about perception information processing and schema acquisition and behaviorism should explain the process of stimulus and response
conditioning reinforcement and how these processes influence instruction. Generally the structure and logic of the essay is understandable. However paragraphs
should often be combined into longer paragraphs to show that a single point is being discussed. A paragraph of 4 to 5 sentences should most likely be combined with an
adjacent paragraph. Be careful in the use of pronouns (this it) to be sure the reader knows what they refer to. Incorrect use of English idioms (e.g. account of
(p. 15)emphasizes on (p. 22)) and the lack or incorrect use of articles (a the) really makes the reading difficult. There are occasional errors in APA
guidelines.Q3 Comment: Adequate coverage of the literature though discussion of theories should be more developed. Also there are many assertions that should be
supported by citations. The proposed research study is intriguing and the research seems innovative. However it has several problems. First the term technology
which seems to be a construct is inadequately defined. There should at least be an operational definition that explains how the construct will be measured which is
not discernible with this proposed study. Also the focus of the research is way too broad to be addressed in a single study or probably even a series of large
studies. It is also not clear how the results of the research will improve nursing training. To show this kind of impact it would be helpful to link the theories
discussed with the potential research results. Careful about the use of pronouns/demonstratives (this it its this design). In many places it is not possible to
tell for sure what these pronouns are referring to. At times it feels as though the writer has consulted a thesaurus for a scholarly sounding word and has used an
inappropriate word instead of using a simpler word that would have been correct. Watch capitalization in headings. References are generally correct but most have
minor APA errors.Responses to Question 2:Q1 Comment: Perhaps it is me but I have no confidence the learner understands the topic or content. There are numerous major
mistakes unjustifiable statements.Q2 Comment: Much like Q1I have no confidence the learner understands the content areas. There are mny inaccurate statements
superficial logic or analyisis and overall a oonfusing answer.Q3 Comment: Huh this was very difficult to follow. Weak ideas about learning theoris and application in
online learning. Similar to Q1 & 2 I have no confidence in these answers. I coud not follow them due to the many superficial and only partially true statements some of
which are quite datedResponses to Question 3:Q1 Comment: I found this section to be very well written. The two points that were apparent where a series of spelling
errors and the existence of at least one run-on sentence that used multiple ands. The word simulation is spelled incorrectly countless times as stimulation.
Spell checkers only flag spelling errors so it did not catch an otherwise legitimate word.Q2 Comment: I found this section to be very well written. The two points that
were apparent where a series of spelling errors and the existence of at least one run-on sentence that used multiple ands. The word simulation is spelled
incorrectly one time as stimulation in section 2.Q3 Comment: This sentence I thought revealed insight Initially organizational behavior is always tied to the
performance of the workers without considering the training advancement of the employees. I found this section to be very well written. The two points that were
apparent where a series of spelling errors and the existence of at least one run-on sentence that used multiple ands.

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