
Celebrated Voices: Toba

Organ Theater. Celebrated Voices was directed by Co-directors Doris Hudson De Trujillo, Nicole Ortega and Monica Campbell. I am going to talk about one of the dances in the performance, Toby. Toby was choreographed by Wilson M. Dominique. It was performed by Dolan Brown, Molly Buffoons, Whitney Collins, Megan Cranny, Miriam Curtis, Baby Gibbs, Adam Jensen, Joshua Martinez, Delis Merrier, Kate Monsoon, Angela Nielsen, Leash Passel, and Jon Thomas.
Wilson Dominique(Wilson, 2014) was born in Venezuela when his parents worked there. He moved back to Portugal when he was a teenager. He performed with Egalitarian Ballet , Lisbon, Portugal in Europe, primarily as a Soloist , for 16 years. He was also invited to create works for the Vireo Dance Company and The Dance Project in Portugal. Wilson has taught at Brigham Young University, Utah Valley University and university of Utah. In December of 2012, as a full scholarship recipient at University of Utah, he graduated with the Master of Fine Arts degree.
In Toby, Wilson remembers his life in South America. He’s thinking about how colonialism changed many original tribe’s culture and destiny. Many cultures were forced to change and disappeared. In the beginning of the dance, people In the Village were very happy and dancing around. The setting of the stage Is a big back drop that is torn and ripped. He used blue and red to contrast the emotion, warm and cold, happiness and peace. Dancers performed how the village people enjoy their life in their traditional way. The music was cheerful.

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The cheerful voices sang long with the exciting drum beat and Ocarina. The village people were not rich. They wore worn clothes and were barefoot but they were celebrating happily. Suddenly,the music changed. The stage light became dark. The tone of the music was sad singing along with the drums. People struggled In the village. Then came the sound of thunder. The color of the stage was dark and gray. People struggled with the change of lifestyle brought about by the Colonialists. Dancers expressed how little they can do and how they couldn’t fight the change.
In the end of the dance, The duet dancers seem to say ” take care. ” They left the stage In the opposite direction to represent they chose a different path In life. And no one can resist the change. They Just accepted the change. Toby was a very beautiful piece choreographed by Wilson Demagogues. Wilson didn’t mention which tribe or which culture was suffering. He left the meaning to the audience and let us decide. By monotonically and University of Utah. In December of 2012, as a full scholarship recipient at forced to change and disappeared.
In the beginning of the dance, people in the Village were very happy and dancing around. The setting of the stage is a big back was sad singing along with the drums. People struggled in the village. Then came how little they can do and how they couldn’t fight the change. In the end of the dance, The duet dancers seem to say ” take care. ” They left the stage in the opposite direction to represent they chose a different path in life. And no one can resist the Toby was a very beautiful piece choreographed by Wilson Dominique. Wilson

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