
Business & Finance essay

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Question 1

Discuss moral responsibility and moral standards.Bottom of Form

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Question 2

Discuss the term “categorical imperative”

What is meant by the term “work ethic”?Bottom of Form

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Question 3

Explain and discuss the terms “utility” and “utilitarism.”Bottom of Form

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Question 4

List and discuss two moral issues faced by international corporations.Bottom of Form

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Question 5

Explain what is meant by the term “mixed economy”.

What is “alienation”? According to Marx, what causes alienation?Bottom of Form

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Question 6

Explain any two of the following terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Oligopolistic competition:

Price fixing:

Perfect competition:Bottom of Form

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Question 7

Explain any two of the following terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Acid rain:

Ecological ethics:

External cost:Bottom of Form

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Question 8

What does the term “due care” mean?

Reasonable risk:Bottom of Form

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Question 9

Explain any two of the following terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Commercial advertising:

Duty not to coerce:

Duty not to misrepresent:Bottom of Form

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Question 10

Explain the following terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Glass ceiling:

Institutionalized discrimination:

Comparable pay:Bottom of Form

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Question 11

What are the employee’s duties to his/hers employer?

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