
Background: GC has two primary concerns about negligence risks and liabilities. These are (1) risks related to potential accidents occurring in their public business space to employees and/or customers, and (2) risks related to on-the-job cleaning services. GC will be headquartered in commercial space in a local shopping center. This space will include private business offices, a public reception area, a conference meeting area, and space to which potential and existing clients will be invited to discuss cleaning jobs, buy cleaning products, and complete contracts for cleaning jobs. The business space will be open to the public. The shopping center in which GC will be headquartered is busy and heavily trafficked with shoppers.

Instructor Notes

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Saylor: Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment

Chapters 1,3,4:

  • Introduction to Law and the Legal System
  • Courts and the Legal Process
  • Constitutional Law and Commerce

Saylor: The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

Chapter 1:

  • The Rule of Law and Business

Common Law v. Civil Law Systems

Police Powers of States

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

The U.S. Constitution

Jurisdiction and Internet Sales


Instructor Notes

Saylor: Advanced Business Law and the Legal Environment

Chapter 7:

  • Tort Law

Civil and Criminal Law Comparison

Elements of Negligence Summary

Premises liability

Introduction to Torts (video – 15 mins)

Maryland Workers’ Compensation Law


Instructor Notes – very important to read!

Review assigned materials in Week 2

Products Liability

Manufacturing Defect v. Design Defect

Warranties and Product Liability

Summary of Product Liability Law: click link below, please

/content/enforced/375136-M_001041-01-2192/Business Law I (Week 3) (1).pdf



Project 1 (Worth 15 points)


The purpose of this project is to research, analyze and apply tort law.

This project requires you to identify and assess legal issues, apply law to facts and make recommendations. The issues will relate to the concepts covered in weeks 1, 2, and 3 about the legal environment of business and business organizations.

You will also develop skills in developing a PowerPoint presentation and using critical thinking to create an in-depth comprehensive analysis.

Outcomes Met by Completing this Assignment:

  • recommend appropriate actions in the business environment based on an understanding of sources of law, legal process and procedure, and available remedies
  • analyze tort rights, obligations, liabilities, and remedies in the business environment

NOTE: All submitted work is to be your original work (only your work). You may not use any work from another student, the Internet or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy, and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations about proper citation of sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. You are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only.

Background: GC has two primary concerns about negligence risks and liabilities. These are (1) risks related to potential accidents occurring in their public business space to employees and/or customers, and (2) risks related to on-the-job cleaning services.

GC will be headquartered in commercial space in a local shopping center. This space will include private business offices, a public reception area, a conference meeting area, and space to which potential and existing clients will be invited to discuss cleaning jobs, buy cleaning products, and complete contracts for cleaning jobs. The business space will be open to the public. The shopping center in which GC will be headquartered is busy and heavily trafficked with shoppers.

Also of concern are risks arising from accidents and injuries to cleaner-employees and /or clients related to on-the-job cleaning services on clients’ facilities.

At the direction of your supervisors at TLG, you are tasked to develop a plan to identify potential negligence risks/liabilities and recommend ways to minimize those potential negligence risks in (1) GC’s public store facility, and (2) on clients’ facilities where cleaning jobs are being completed.

GC owners will use the plan to refine policies and procedures to prevent and/or minimize liabilities for GC.


For this project, write a plan to be presented in a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation.

There is no set number of slides but include:

  • title page
  • introductory slide(s)
  • reference list page ( be sure to use in-text cites on the slides, as needed ).

Please place all notes and explanations for EACH slide directly on slides in the PPT presentation – not in a separate document.

You likely will need more than one PPT slide for each point/idea/concept so that everything you want to say/include in the presentation will be contained in the PPT slides.

The plan focuses on potential tort liabilities (except do not discuss or include product liability in this project).

The Power Point presentation will be labeled in 2 parts:

Part I: Negligence Risks/Liabilities in GC Public Business Facility

1. identify and explain several specific situations that could create negligence risks/liabilities for GC in its public store facility

  • explain why/how each situation creates possible negligence liability

2. develop and explain policies and/or procedures GC could implement to prevent or minimize the negligence risk/liability for each situation discussed in 1. above

Part II: Negligence Risks/Liabilities on Clients’ Facility

3. identify and explain several specific situations that could create negligence risks/liabilities for GC on clients’ facility where GC is performing cleaning services

  • explain why/how each situation creates possible negligence liability

4. develop and explain policies and/or procedures GC could implement to prevent or minimize the negligence risk/liability for each situation discussed in 3. above

You should use only assigned resources available in the classroom for the project.

If needed, please refer to the following links for tips on preparing a PPT presentation.

Creating a Power Point


Power Point for Beginners


Use in text citations, as needed.

Include a References List of cited resources

Label each section of the Power Point as follows:

Part I.



Part II.



Review the Plan

Thoroughly read the presentation to ensure all required elements are present. Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.

Proofread for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.

  • Read the Power Points presentation aloud as a first measure;
  • Use the spell and grammar check in Word;
  • Have someone who has excellent English skills proof the presentation.

The post Background: GC has two primary concerns about negligence risks and liabilities. These are (1) risks related to potential accidents occurring in their public business space to employees and/or customers, and (2) risks related to on-the-job cleaning services. GC will be headquartered in commercial space in a local shopping center. This space will include private business offices, a public reception area, a conference meeting area, and space to which potential and existing clients will be invited to discuss cleaning jobs, buy cleaning products, and complete contracts for cleaning jobs. The business space will be open to the public. The shopping center in which GC will be headquartered is busy and heavily trafficked with shoppers. appeared first on BestWriters.org.

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