
Assignment The assignment will examine electrical retailing and students are ex

The assignment will examine electrical retailing and students are expected to select a major retailer from this sector (for example typical UK electrical retailers are Currys, Argos etc.). The assignment will focus on retail logistics and supply chain management issues of the retailer of your choice and will address the following Intended Learning Outcomes:
• Reflect and evaluate the activities, functions and processes associated with managing the Retail Logistics operations
• Assess critically the significance and application of Retail Logistics theories, concepts and frameworks in the broader context of the retail organisation in its competitive and changing environment
• Discuss and explain the strategic role of logistics operations for retail firms
• Demonstrate an understanding of the key trends that have an influence and impact on modern Retail Logistics operations
Students will analyse this retailer’s supply chain operations and identify three key logistics and supply chain management challenges the retailer currently faces within its operations. These challenges will be identified following a systematic review of relevant reports, websites and other secondary source material. Subsequently, students will provide appropriate solutions for these challenges.
Therefore, students are asked to:
Task 1: Identify three key challenges the retailer faces. These challenges should be related to the retail logistics and supply chain management material covered in the module. (50% of the mark)
Task 2: Suggest possible solutions in order to tackle these three challenges. These solutions should be related to the retail logistics and supply chain management material covered in the module. (50% of the mark)
1) This is an individual assignment that should be 2000 words maximum (excluding references and Appendixes). Longer assignments will be penalised.
2) In task 1, students need to identify three key challenges and justify why they think these are the key ones for the company. They should also discuss how these challenges relate to the retail logistics and supply chain management operations. For task 2, students need to provide one relevant solution minimum per challenge.
3) Students should choose an electrical retailer. However, it will be acceptable to choose a generic retailer (e.g. Carrefour etc.) as long as the assignment focuses on the retailer’s electrical product range and relevant supply chain operations. Equally, it can be an online retailer too as long as the focus is on the retailer’s electrical product range and relevant supply chain operations.
4) Your analysis should be a thorough and detailed one and not just a description of facts. For both tasks, students should build their arguments upon the lectures and other relevant academic material from textbooks and journals such as, inter alia, the following: International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Journal of Enterprise Information Management.
5) Students should also consult relevant company sources, websites and other secondary data sources (e.g. reports). For both tasks, students must make a critical, thorough and detailed use of that material in the arguments / challenges / solutions stated.
6) The analysis should be well-structured and should contain the following elements: a Section related to Task 1, a Section related to Task 2, a Concluding Section, a Reference List, and Appendices (if appropriate).
7) Where specific ideas, arguments, models, information, etc are drawn on in your discussion, the author and date of the source text should be included in the body of your discussion. All quotations should be clearly acknowledged and sourced including page references. Full details of all source material should also be included in the Reference List.
8) The deadline for the submission of the assignment is by 18 July 2021 and it should be submitted electronically.
Criteria for assessing the Assignment
Clarity of argument; correct identification of challenges; clear, interesting and relevant solutions in relation to the challenges identified and justification of chosen solutions; strong evidence of use of academic material (books, journal papers etc.) and secondary data that support your proposed challenges and solutions; presentation, originality and innovation.

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