
Which method is best at transferring heat from the fluid to the eggshell? Complete the chart with your recorded times and observations for each treatment/recipe then answer the following questions:

Which method is best at transferring heat from the fluid to the eggshell?
Complete the chart with your recorded times and observations for each treatment/recipe then answer the following questions:

Heat transfer in this activity is both external, from the water or air to the egg, and internal, from the outside of the egg towards the yolk. Which method is best at transferring heat from the fluid to the eggshell? Compare the temperature gradients you observed in the two methods. Which of the methods produces the most pronounced gradient? Which of the methods is likely to produce the most consistent hard cooked egg?
Both of the cooking methods used here are based on convection but there are some differences (beyond the obvious fact that one is wet and one is dry!). Explain what those differences are and why one heat transfer method might be favorable to the other for cooking eggs.
The cooking temperatures for the two methods were obviously not the same. Why do you think 450 degrees was selected for the oven? What evidence did you see that would highlight similarities or differences in the heat transfer mechanisms between the two fluids?

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Which method is best at transferring heat from the fluid to the eggshell? Complete the chart with your recorded times and observations for each treatment/recipe then answer the following questions: was first posted on December 2, 2019 at 6:56 am.
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