
Homosexuality vs Religion

Ethical Conflict: Homosexuality vs Religion

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As much as the times are changing and we are moving to a more civilized world, homosexuality and all other sexual orientations are still illegal activities to think let alone practice it. This ethical conflict has brought out some form of divide between families, friendships, relationships and even from religious entities. This topic is quite sensitive but important and it should be addressed to students since they are yet to be parents and parents who have young or adult children. This brings us to the question, Is religion all about following laws and rules to ensure that one is fully righteous or should it be all about finding a higher power to find solace? I definitely think the latter should be answer. Religion can be generally defined as a pursuit of great divine and devotion, but the changing times have transformed it to make other people more powerful as compared to other. As a practicing Christian, I feel that we have moved away from what God wanted us to do and feel when He brought Jesus to us, as we are misinterpreting the Bible or I may be the one misinterpreting, but my understanding of this problem seems valid.

According to the English Standard Version, in Leviticus 18:22, the Bible says, You shall not lie with a man as with a woman as this is an abomination. This is a downright condemnation of same sex intercourse or marriage (Testament, 2018). However, the same Bible in Matthew chapter 22:37-39, it states, Love your neighbour as you love yourself. The term neighbour is figurative to mean anyone. We should all love each as much as we love ourselves (Moore, 2003). The disparity comes to this, what if my neighbour is gay? Should I condemn him to the point of death? Would I condemn myself to the point of death because of a simple ethical conflict? Similarly, all sins hold the same weight, dont they? This food of thought has made the church and many other religions even more angry. This should not be the point. We should accept these people the way they are. As much as the church expects me as a Christian to do the most stereotypic thing and try and educate the individual to find Christ and move away from the ways of the world, it makes absolutely no difference. The individual is attracted to people of the same sex and they should be accepted and valued for making these bold steps.

An example that led me to believe that I had no right to condemn these people is when my cousin-sister came out in 2019. This is a person who weve lived together since we were children considering her parents work in Africa and they come to visit her after a long time. My parents are now her parents, my clothes are her clothes and every piece of learning and teachings have been passed down to us both. She came out as a bisexual and the first reaction my father had was to throw her out.

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