
management issues that are of concern on the organization.

Organizations undergo various challenges as they develop the necessary strategies to assist in managing the current environment. Employees’ relationship in an organization is a very crucial issue while dealing with strategic management issues. The report below gives an analysis of the best management strategies to adopt while dealing with employees in an organization. The analysis involves elaborating the management issues that are of concern on the organization. In addition, it gives the best recruitment practices to adopt in order to fulfill employees. Finally a recommendation on the perfect strategies to adopt is given focusing on the current employees’ laws.

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Table of Contents

Executive summary. 2

1.0 Introduction. 4

2.0 Analyzing people management issue. 4

2.1 Recruiting Strategy. 5

2.3 Training Needs and Schedule. 7

3.0 Management tools. 8

3.1 The aspect of corporate social responsibility in recruitment 9

3.2 Legal issues involved in recruitment 10

4.0 Theories and modules to be used. 10

5.0 Recommendations and conclusion. 12

5.1 Recommendations. 12

5.2 Conclusion. 13

6.0 References. 15






1.0 Introduction

Leaders should be capable of integrating organizational behavior practices in carrying out their regular business operations, in order to achieve their specific organizational objectives. In every organization, people have the responsibility of providing leadership, stewardship, and follower-ship. People learn innovations and ideas that assist them transform their organizations into greater levels. Understanding people are the engine and driver into understanding organizational behavior. Organization forms a social unit where people get things since working people spend most time in their working places (Organization Behavior 2012). On the other hand, understanding the contemporary thinking on individual or groups’ behaviors in an organization requires knowledge of human resources management skills. In addition, several theories, concepts and techniques are employed in understanding strategic human resource management (HRM). According to Jackson & Schuler (1995), HRM is a general term that contains several functions. Among them is the human resource practice involving employees’ recruitment, selection and appraisal. Studying recruitment enables the managers understand the significance of employee’s relationship in workplace.  There are several stages that are undertaken while carrying out recruitment in an organization, which will be discussed in details on this report. On the other hand, some legal aspects are put into place while dealing with recruitment activities in the organization. Organizations make use of corporate strategies that are predominanat and seem to creat a perfedt competitive enviromnment among the rivals (Johnson, Scholes, and Whittington 2008).

2.0 Analyzing people management issue

People in the organization have various management issues, and the HRM department has the duty of realizing and attending to the prevailing issues. In this report the topic for discussion involves the issue on employees’ recruitment. Organizations adapt functions that attract, develop, and motivate employees in order to retain them for effective functioning of operations. Psychology has a commonly established perception that it is a study in the science field, which explores cognitive processes and behavior of human beings (Simond, 2008). Managing an organization is very crucial especially during this era where competition is very stiff. The senior management holds the responsibility of running all the operations in an organization that include formulating the strategies that to follow. On the other hand, senior managers should come up with recruitment strategic plans for their organization, with regard to the industry the company is based on. Development of a correct recruitment strategy is essential for every business.

Recruitment strategy helps businesses to concentrate and utilize the available resources and opportunities to realize profits and become competitive in the market (Armstrong and Kotler, 2008). The management in a company has the responsibility of developing a good recruitment strategy to enable them market their medical products. The company specializes in sale of hypodermic needles and syringes, medical gloves, diabetic products, and intravenous catheters. In developing a perfect recruitment strategy, managers should have full information regarding; the trends in the medical industry, Sales and marketing, globalization of health care markets, and technology. In developing appropriate recruitment strategies, proper assessment of the internal and external environments of the business is essential. The internal environment includes type and nature of product, marketing mix and the distribution constraints.

2.1 Recruiting Strategy

In any organization, employment of staff has a correlation to the staff performance. The recruitment process of the organization will have a major goal of getting the highly qualified employee among all the applicants. In addition, the employee should possess excellent personal skills and have the ability to adapt to the organization culture that is established. Finally, the recruitment process should help the candidates develop personal confidence. On the same note, it should attract a recruitment public image (Civil Service Branch 1995; 17). To attain the goals of the recruitment process, various strategies will be used. To begin with, recruitment procedure will be stipulated in such a manner that candidates will understand it, and it will provide room for public scrutiny.  Further, it will be fair to enable picking of candidates on merit and personal abilities. Finally, the procedure will be characterized by testing for the ability of the applicants to solve team problems, general intelligence of the applicant, the highest attainments of the applicants, and personal aptitudes for the applicants. In addition, the recruiting personnel will be trained on how to appraise candidates in the recruitment process (Accel-Team 2011).

Development is the main concern for the company in order to improve the quality of the products and services offered to customers. Management entails the decision-making approach by leaders to ensure that goods and services development occurs within the scheduled time, according to the stipulated specifications, and at a minimum cost. As such, operations management system should start at high-level business strategies and plans, over both short and long run. Product and service call dictates the strategies and plans adopted. After the production process gives the production of goods, the distribution of the goods occurs geographically in line with the business market.
 2.2 Selection Process

The main aim of the selection process will be to get the most qualified applicant from all the potential applicants. The structure of selection will involve scoring candidates in terms of their experience, the level of knowledge they possess, their mental and physical abilities, the distinction in intellectual levels, personal self-drive, and different leadership abilities. The scoring system will use statistics tool of normal distribution curve, which will aid in eliminating any kind of freak judgment (Accel-Team 2011).

2.3 Training Needs and Schedule

The major aim of training is to develop the employees’ attitudes, skills that are needed for them to carry out their various tasks, understanding, and personal awareness. This will arise due to the fact that, globalization is taking place and levels of technology are improving throughout (Accel-Team 2011). Training sessions will be occurring after every three months. This will aid in creating room for analysis of training needs and preparation of the same. However, training session can take place when a need of the same arises at anytime. The process of training needs will involve, employees attending training workshops, involvement of the employees in the process of research work, and organizing employees talks from specialized mangers.
2.4 Evaluation Criteria

The sole purpose of evaluation criterion will be to determine the performance level of the organization. This will include identifying individual performances and means of improving their performance, as well as that of the organization in general. The evaluation criterion will also identify the potential that is within the human resource segment, as well as other segments such as physical resource, financial resource, and material resource. Finally, the criterion will aid in devising the most suitable and applicable reward scheme of the employees (Accel-Team 2011).

The strategy that will aid in achieving the desire of employee performance will be that of posing a query. The query will be what was done to get the current performance? In addition, what has to be done to improve on the performance? Potential identification will involve changing job responsibilities for various employees while matching their personal competencies with the jobs. Finally, reward scheme strategy will involve setting targets that will be met on a monthly basis. The employees who attain these targets then qualify for the compensation.

Arguments against making the payment include the fact that it was ethically wrong and would afford corruption a chance in the company. There would be no corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the act of making the payment. Careful CSR is always in the interests of the corporation but also says that directors should act according to enlightened self-interest interpretation. A firm must always balance the ethical traditions and notions with what is good for the corporation. This means striking a balance between what is good for the stakeholders and what is good for the shareholders. Keeping this balance will ensure that one does not suffer due to over-emphasis on the other. Enlightened self-interest concept should play a role in guiding this process.  In this case, Anna should be able to determine which of the two actions she is likely to take will influence either the shareholders or the stakeholders and whose interests she should forfeit.

3.0 Management tools

Before formulating the strategies for the company, the first thing is determining the source of problems. An organization comprises of three segments namely; people, processes, and culprits. Companies always perform an analysis that aids in market entry strategies formulation. The market, cost, competitive advantage and government forms the globalization drivers that the country analysis basis the focus. This depicts weaknesses and strengths for a business to participate actively in the international market. Multinational business analysis, on the other hand, outlines the potentiality of the business to gain from the market participation. The analysis incorporates strategic levers such as marketing, location and product, and organization analysis such as culture, people, management and structure. Planning also entails knowledge of customer’s lifestyle. Lifestyle is important when designing the type of products to sell to consumers in different regions.

3.1 The aspect of corporate social responsibility in recruitment

According to Richter (2001),  corporate social responsibility it can be described as the commitment of a company operating in a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable manner considering its stakeholders’ interests as well as employees, customers, business partners, investors, the environment, local communities and society at large. Arguments in favor of corporate social responsibility exist. According to Amalric and Hauser (2005), improvement of the reputation of a business is one of these benefits. Being a respectable outfit sets a business apart from its competition. Customers want to be associated with a business that has built a good name over time by showing consideration for the environment, its stakeholders, as well as the unfortunate in society. Another argument in favor is the Legal advantage. Companies that practice corporate social responsibility are less likely to suffer the legal investigations, litigations, and regulations. Such companies are usually keen on legal issues concerning human rights abuses, environment and health.

As Gallagher (2005) postulates, improved employee-employer relations forms a benefit of corporate social responsibility. Employees have been noted to stay longer on companies that have an effective corporate social responsibility. This reduces the recruitment expenses that arise when companies seek replacements. Being more motivated by the presence of a caring employer, employees are on the long run more productive. Arguments against the corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept also abound. One of these is the competitive disadvantage. Companies, which do not invest resources into its environment and communities, are at a disadvantage against those that do. Loss of focus is another disadvantage. Most companies have long drifted from their main goal of making the customer happy and the companies have taken up CSR without liking it. The lasting impact of CSR on corporate governance is also a major concern and has been used as an argument against it.

3.2 Legal issues involved in recruitment

            The relationship between the government and business has intensified due to dynamics in economic situations of different nations. The business environment has also been faced with many dynamics. As such, the government formulates and implements policies that aid in providing an equal business operation environment. The government may limit business behavior through several means such restricting export and import volumes of the business. In addition, the government may introduce a total burn measure on business products and services. This affects the business negatively. To influence the regulation process, businesses form organizations that aid in protecting business operations influence from the government. The businesses may also adopt the regulations into their process operation chain in order to eliminate any possibility of negative influence from government.

4.0 Theories and modules to be used

An issue management process is a set of procedures that aid an individual in managing issues as they arise. In operational team or project, issues occur regularly and affect the ability to meet team goals. At this point, an issue process cannot be avoided. This process helps in the recording of each issue and identifying actions needed to correct it. Issue management steps include monitoring, identification, prioritization, analysis, strategy decision, and implementation. Monitoring involves analyzing the business environment, scanning what the public, government, media, interest groups and general opinion leaders are saying. Identification is the assessment of the important elements and arising patterns from aspects that might be overlooked by others. Identification of where the issue lies in the company’s life cycle is done. Emphasis is also placed on issues that are gaining widespread support and impact on the company either positively or negatively.

Prioritization is a determination of how far-reaching the impact of a given issue will be. Knowing what is at stake is also important. Probability of the issue occurring again and the urgency of the issue find handling in this stage.  Analysis forms the crucial step of considering the issue in depth. Support teams are also established, and the ranking of stakeholders is done. Strategy decision involves the creation of a strategic response and definition of the content of the message and identification of target groups. Strategic options available to the company are determined as well as the resources needed to implement them. Implementation is the final stage where the programs and policies approved by the management are implemented, and a response is effectively communicated to each target group in a credible form.

The general systems theory uses open versus closed system in analyzing the HRM management systems. The open system depends on the environment for inputs that assist the management in analyzing various issues in the organization. According to Katz & Kahn’s (1978), the organization’s social psychology addresses HRM as a subsystem within the whole organization. HRM makes us of skills and abilities as environmental inputs whereby, employee behavior are seen as inputs and employee satisfaction and performance as outputs. In the leadership development program, the leaders need an effective coaching on their roles and expectations in the company. In addition, the process should enable leaders; develop a positive perception, with regard to various international, as well as cultural impacts of the work that they perform. The program further needs to create a room for the leaders and managers to interact effectively, so that they may share individual experiences and skills for a better, personal-to-personal development (Hostede 1983).

5.0 Recommendations and conclusion

5.1 Recommendations

Selection of good staff is very crucial. The main aim of the selection process will be to get the most qualified applicant from all the potential applicants. The structure of selection will involve scoring candidates in terms of their experience, the level of knowledge they possess, their mental and physical abilities, the distinction in intellectual levels, personal self-drive, and different leadership abilities. The scoring system will use statistics tool of normal distribution curve, which will aid in eliminating any kind of freak judgment. Training is another aspect of maintaining good company staff. The major aim of training is to develop the employees’ attitudes, skills that are needed for them to carry out their various tasks, understanding, and personal awareness. This will arise due to the fact that, globalization is taking place and levels of technology are improving throughout. Training sessions will be occurring after every three months. This will aid in creating room for analysis of training needs and preparation of the same. However, training session can take place when a need of the same arises at anytime. The process of training needs will involve, employees attending training workshops, involvement of the employees in the process of research work, and organizing employees talks from specialized mangers (Civil Service Branch, 1995).

To attain the goals of the recruitment process, managers should adopt various strategies will be used. To begin with, recruitment procedure will be stipulated in such a manner that candidates will understand it, and it will provide room for public scrutiny.  Further, it will be fair to enable picking of candidates on merit and personal abilities. Finally, the procedure will be characterized by testing for the ability of the applicants to solve team problems, general intelligence of the applicant, the highest attainments of the applicants, and personal aptitudes for the applicants. In addition, the recruiting personnel will be trained on how to appraise candidates in the recruitment process (Civil Service Branch, 1995). The company should come up with seminars and training sessions for the employees, stakeholders, and senior management team. The training will enable the company implement all its programs whereby every member of staff has knowledge of what should be happening. Through this, each and every person associated with the company will have a chance to contribute their views and recommendations towards these strategies.

5.2 Conclusion

            Managing employee in an organization is a difficult task that requires a lot of skills. In developing a recruiting strategy, it is very crucial to design the most appropriate alternative to choose. The managers should make a concrete decision regarding the method to use, and that enables the company make more profits. The most important thing to incorporate while developing a corporate strategy is the marketing analysis. Employee analysis will entail having an idea of the current business environment, and understanding market needs. The first step involves situational analysis. Analyzing the current marketing situation at a company involves discussion of the existing HRM strategy; segmentation, targeting and positioning; and value creation process.













6.0 References

Accel-Team. 2011, Human Resource Management,. Retrieved from:


Amalric, F, & Hauser, J. (2005). Economic Drivers of Corporate Responsibility Activities.

Journal of Corporate Citizenship. Issue 20: pp. 27-38

Armstrong, G, & Kotler, P., (2008). Principles of Marketing. Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Bognanno M, Kleiner M. 1992. Introduction: labor market institutions and the future role of

unions. Ind. Relat. 31: pp. 1-12

Civil Service Branch. 1995, Human Resource Management, Retrieved from:


Gallagher, S. 2005. A strategic response to Friedman’s critique of Business Ethics. Journal of

Business Strategy. 26(6), pp. 55-60.

Hofstede, G. (1983), “The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories”, Journal of

International Business Studies, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 75-90.

Jackson, E.S. & Schuler, R.S. 1995, Understanding Human Resource Management in the

Context of Organizations and their Environments, New York: New York University; p. 238

Johnson, G., Scholes, K., & Whittington, R. 2008, Exploring Corporate Strategy. The Eigth

Edition. Prentice Hall

Katz D, Kahn RL. 1978. The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: Wiley


Organization Behavior, 2012, Organizational Behavior Managing People and Organization, Retrieved from:


Purcell, J. 1995, “Corporate strategy and its link with human resource management strategy”,

in Storey, J. (Ed.), Human Resource Management: A Critical Text, Routledge, London, pp. 63-86.






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