
• 3 pages • New Roman Font size 12 only • Double spaced • Margins: Office 2003 D

• 3 pages • New Roman Font size 12 only • Double spaced • Margins: Office 2003 Default (Top and bottom 1”) (Left and right 1.25”) • You will need at least 5 total sources (at least 3 must be hard sources (Books, journals, etc)) – You can have more than 5, you just can’t have fewer – Ebooks and online journals count as hard sources as long as they can also be found in print -***** Last page needs to be a bibliography (Must be in MLA format). The bibliography is NOT included in your page count. o Make sure that the bibliography or works cited page is on a separate page from the body of the paper – You are only allowed 3 quotes, each no more than 2 sentences long. Example of questions that should be addressed: *What does this disease affect? *How does the system or organ work in a healthy person? (Talk about things that are directly related to the disease so that there’s a good contrast) *What is happening physiologically in the sick person? Treatment #1: Q1: How does it work? Q2: What does it change physiologically to help the patient? (How does it do what was stated in Q1 to produce the results discussed in Q3?) Q3: Once treatment is administered, what is the result? (What symptom relief or disease cure is expected from this treatment?) Treatment #2: – How does it work? – What does it change physiologically to help the patient? – Once treatment is administered, what is the result? Treatment #3: – How does it work? – What does it change physiologically to help the patient? – Once treatment is administered, what is the result? Please discuss at least 3 treatments (these can be either treatments to help cure the disease or to manage the symptoms). If there aren’t 3, you must explain that in the paper (e.g. “Very few options are available to help people with ________. Researchers are trying to find additional treatment options, but right now, only ________ and ____________ are available for patients.” You can then talk about each of the treatments you mentioned

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