
1 – clarification 2 – sample argument 3 – sample evaluation Clarification The ev

1 – clarification
2 – sample argument
3 – sample evaluation
The evaluation will need to include:
1. A list of the premises and conclusion stated in either propositional logic or categorical
logic form. The premises are listed first, then a line, and the conclusion is listed below
the line.
2. A clear indication of whether the argument is valid and a completed truth table or Venn
diagram (or indication of rules broken or that none are) to justify whether the claim
whether it is valid.
3. A clear indication of whether you believe the argument is sound and an short
explanation of why you believe this.
4. A statement of one fallacy you believe is committed in the article. This must include:
a. The name of the fallacy
b. A definition of the fallacy you identify in the article
c. An explanation of why the fallacy is committed in the article
(NOTE: in the sample below there are two sets of arguments – both have the same
conclusion. This is to show how one would complete the listing of premises and
justification for whether the argument is valid for a propositional argument and for a
categorical argument. You do not need to complete both but only complete an evaluation
for one argument.
In addition to the evaluation you will need to write a short 1-2 page (double spaced)
summary of how one would apply logic to evaluate any argument. This will be a general
explanation of the four elements you are providing in the evaluation but will not be
specifically about the argument you are evaluation. On the evaulation atricle of the “All animals are equal” by Peter Singer

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